Index to Part 1


Abreuvoir publique, 24

Abreuvoirs Publiques, 82, 86

Acer platanoides, 35

Acer pseudoplatanus, 40

Acorn Barnacles, 53

Actinia equina, 15

Adder's-tongue Fern, 75

Adder's-tongue, least, 75

Aeschna elegans, 62

Aeshna mixta, 62

Agave americana, 5

Agave, 67

Agrimonia eupatoria, 47

Agrimony, 47

Aiptasia couchi, 15

Aira caryophyllea, 57

Ake-Ake, 68

Alaria, 13

Alder, 40

Alderney cow, 37

Alderney Militia, 43

Alderney Crane's-bill, 46

Alderney Lighthouse, 63

Alderney Sea-lavender, 67

Alderney Railway Society, 72

Alderney Conservation Volunteers, 86

Alexanders, 43

Alison, Sweet, 48

Allium subhirsutum, 44

Allium vineale, 48

Allseed, four-leaved, 27, 28

Allseed, 67

Alnus glutinosa, 40

Alpine Toadflax, 30

Ammophila arenaria, 29, 59

Amphibious Bistort, 25, 75

Amphipholis squamata, 16

Anacamptis pyramidalis, 5

Anagallis arvensis, 53

Anagallis tenella, 91

Anas platyrhynchos, 5

Anas crecca, 25

Anax imperator, 62

Anemone, Snakelocks, 20

Anemone, Jewel, 15

Annual Knawel, 83

Anthopleura thallia, 15

Anthoxanthum odoratum, 57

Anthyllis vulneraria, 53

Aphanes inexspectata, 5, 68

Aphysia punctata, 20

Aplogranite, 8

Apple-of-Peru, 27

Apple, 56, 61

Arch Bay, 51

Ardea cinerea, 5

Arenicola marina, 15

Armeria maritima, 89

Artemesia absinthum, 27

Artemesia vulgaris, 27

Artichoke, Globe, 5, 25

Ascidia mentula, 14

Ascidians, 14

Ascidiella aspersa, 14

Ash, 44

Asplenium adiantum nigrum, 43

Asplenium marinum, 5, 53

Asplenium obovatum, 5

Asplenium ruta-muraria, 43

Asplenium trichomanes, 5, 43

Aster tripolium, 67

Aster, Sea, 67

Aubretia, 56

Aubrieta deltoides, 56

Austrian Pine, 47

Autumn Lady's-tresses Orchid, 56, 60, 93

Autumn Squill, 5, 64, 67, 81, 93

Azolla filiculoides, 25, 55


Balanus crenatus, 17

Balanus perforatus, 17

Bamboos, 55

Banquage housing scheme, 27

Barberry, Darwin's, 55

Barn Owls, 64

Barnacle, 16

Barnacle, Acorn, 16, 53

Barnacle, Common, 53

Barnacle, Darwin, 17, 53

Barnacle, Goose, 17, 50

Barrackmaster's Lane, 46

Bartsia, Red, 59

Bartsia, Yellow, 64

Basking Sharks, 22

Bastard Toadflax, 27, 57, 60, 68

Battery Quarry, 2, 25, 27, 45, 46, 47

Baxter's Valley, 91, 92

Bay, 40

Bedstraw, Lady's, 43

Bee Orchid, 51

Beet, Sea, 29, 35, 61

Bell Heather, 64, 67, 93

Berberis darwinii, 55

Bermuda-grass, 70

Berry's Quarry, 60

Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima, 29

Bibette Head, 2, 29, 49

Bifurcaria, 13

Bindweed, Sea, 29, 35, 62, 70

Bird's-foot, 60, 72, 83, 88

Bird's-foot Clover, 6, 60

Bird's-foot, Orange 72, 83, 88

Bird's-foot Trefoil , 30, 83

Bird's-foot-trefoil, Common, 72

Bird's-foot-trefoil, Greater, 72

Bird's-foot-trefoil, Hairy, 72, 83, 88

Bird's-foot-trefoil, Slender, 83, 88

Bistort, Amphibious, 25, 75

Biting Stonecrop, 57, 64, 68, 70

Black Spleenwort, 43

Black Swan, 56

Black-backed Gull, Great, 33

Black-backed Gull, Lesser, 33

Blackcurrant, 61

Black-headed Gull , 33

Blackthorn, 30, 59, 93

Bladder Weed, 13

Blenny, Butterfly, 22

Blenny, Montague's, 21

Blenny, Tompot, 22

Blinks, 61, 67

Blue Bridge, 6, 8

Blue Fleabane, 46

Bluebell, 60, 82, 97

Bluebell, Spanish, 60

Bluestone Bay, 52, 76, 83

Blue-tailed Damselfly, 62

Blue-tailed Skimmer, 62

Bog Pimpernel, 91

Bolboschoenus maritimus, 97

Bonne Terre, 1, 2, 24

Botrylloides leachi, 14

Botryllus schlosseri, 14

Bottlenosed Dolphin, 22

Bracken, 5, 7, 24, 61

Bramble, 70

Branched Bur-reed, 58

Braye Bay, 1, 2, 34, 35, 45, 48, 58, 59, 76

Braye Common, 36, 45

Braye Station, 72

Breadcrumb Sponges, 14, 20

Breakwater, 33, 34, 35

Bristle Club-rush, 91

Bristle-tail, 16

Brittle-stars, 16

Briza major, 30

Broad-leaved Dock, 53

Broad-leaved Pondweed, 55, 75

Brome, Soft, 53

Bromus hordeaceus subsp. feronii, 53

Bromus hordeaceus subsp. thominei, 53

Brookweed, 43, 55, 61

Broom, Spanish, 47

Broom, Common, 87

Broom, Prostrate, 89, 93

Broomrape, Common, 28, 48, 57

Broomrape, Ivy, 40

Broomrape, Purple, 28, 48, 57

Broomrape, Great, 89

Brown Sedge, 72

Brown-tailed Moths, 79

Buccinum undatum, 19

Buck's-horn Plantain, 27, 53, 58

Buglos, Viper's, 28, 48

Bupleurum baldense, 57, 68

Burhou water trough, 96

Burhou,, 5, 8, 22, 95

Burhou, plant list, 100

Burhou, Little, 96

Burhou, Little, plant list, 102

Burial 'cists', 49

Burnet Rose, 55, 87

Bur-reed, Branched 58

Burrowing Clover, 6

Bush-Cricket, Great Green, 62

Butterfish, 22

Butterfly, Glanville Fritillary, 6

Buzzard, 94

Buzzets, 39


Cabbage Palm, New Zealand, 36, 39

Cabou, 21

Cachalière Pier, 83

Cachalière quarry, 1, 85

Cakile maritima, 29, 35, 70

Calluna vulgaris, 64, 93

Caloplaca marina, 14

Calystegia soldanella, 29

Campanula portenschlagiana, 43

Campanula poscharskyana, 43

Campion, 48, 53

Campion, Pink, 48, 53

Campion, Sea, 48, 53

Campsite, 55, 56

Canadian Fleabane, 27, 74

Cap de la Hague, Le, 1, 71, 95

Carduus nutans, 44, 61

Carex paniculata, 24

Carex divulsa subsp. divulsa, 40

Carex pseudocyperus, 58

Carex disticha, 72

Carline Thistle, 60, 67

Carpinus betulus, 40

Carpobrotus acinaciformis, 68

Carpobrotus edulis, 5, 99

Carrageen, 9

Casquets, Les, 1, 3, 70, 95, 97

Casquets, Plant list, 103

Castanea sativa, 40

Cat's-ear, Smooth, 57, 67, 68, 88

Cat's-ears, 57

Cat's-tail, Sand, 57

Catapodium marinum, 27, 57

Catapodium rigidum, 27, 57

Catchfly, Sand, 28

Catchfly, Variegated, 28, 82

Catholic Cemetery, 45, 48

Cattle Egret, 51

Cattle watering places, 77

Catworm, 49

Celandine, 5, 7, 27

Centaurea aspera, 36

Centaurea nigra, 48

Centaurea scabiosa, 44, 48

Centaury, Common, 64 , 67

Centaury, Lesser, 64, 67

Centurium erythrea, 65

Centurium pulchellum, 64

Century Plant, 5

Cerastium diffusum, 61

Cerastium semidecandrum, 61

Cerastium tomentosum, 56

Ceterach officinarum, 43

Chamærion angustifolium, 6

Changing Forget-me-not, 53, 61

Charadrius hiaticula, 29

Charlock, 27, 53

Charophytes, 71

Chaser, Four-spotted, 62

Château à L'Etoc, 34, 49

Cherry Plum, 40

Cherry, Wild 39

Chestnut, Sweet, 40

Chickweed, 70

Chicory, 48

Chilean Guava, 68

Chinaman's Cap, 19

Chiton, 19

Chthamalus stellatus, 16

Cichorium intybus, 48

Cimitière St. Michel, 45, 47

Circea lutetiana, 43

Cirsium acaule, 68

Cirsium palustre, 5

Cladophora, 9

Clams, 20

Clary, Wild, 27

Clavelina lepadiformis, 14

Clematis vitalba, 47

Clonque Bay, 2, 50

Clonque Island, 5, 6

Clover, Bird's-foot, 6, 60, 72

Clover, Burrowing, 6

Clover, Clustered, 72

Clover, Hare's-foot, 6, 72

Clover, Knotted, 72

Clover, Red, 72

Clover, Rough, 27, 60, 72

Clover, Subterranean, 6, 60, 72

Clover, Suffocated, 6, 60, 72

Clover, Western, 5, 60, 72

Clover, White, 5, 72

Clovers, 7, 53, 55

Clubmoss, Kraus's, 43

Club-rush, Bristle, 91

Club-rush, Sea, 97

Coastguards, 57

Cochlearia officinalis, 5, 63

Cock's-foot, 57

Cockle, Dog, 50

Cockspur-thorn, Pear-fruited, 39

Cocque Lihou, 99

Cocque Lihou, Plant list, 103

Codium, 9

Colonial Animals, 14

Commercial Quay, 34

Common Barnacle, 53

Common Broom, 87

Common Broomrape, 28, 48, 57

Common Centaury, 64 , 67

Common Darter, 62

Common Dog Violet, 5, 40, 81

Common Dolphin, 22

Common Fleabane, 57, 91

Common Knapweed, 48

Common Mallow, 27

Common Milkwort, 67

Common Reed, 57

Common, Restharrow, 60, 72

Common Sallow, 74

Common Scurvy-grass, 5, 63

Common Spike-rush, 91

Common Tern, 33

Common Toadflax, 94

Common Vetch, 60, 83

Common Whitlow-grass, 57

Conger, Salted, 26

Conium maculatum, 28

Contorted Willow, 87

Convoluta roscoffensis, 15

Conyza canadensis, 27, 74

Coot, 26, 55, 59

Coprinus comatus, 27

Corallina, 9, 16

Corals, 15

Corals, Soft, 15

Corblets Bay, 1

Corblets Barracks, 57

Corblets Bay, 50, 51, 58

Corblets Quarry, 51, 55, 56, 74

Cordyline australis, 36

Cormorant, 6

Corsican Pine, 47

Corynactis viridis, 15

Costière, La, 77

Cotton Spinner, 16

Cotton Thistle, 36

Couch, Sand, 29, 35, 59

Couch, Sea, 59

Covent Garden Market, 24

Cowrie, European, 19

Cowslip, 48

Crab, Chancre, 17

Crab, Edible, 17

Crab, Fiddler, 17

Crab, Hairy, 17

Crab, Hermit, 17

Crab, Lady, 17

Crab, Porcelain, 17

Crab, Shore, 17

Crab, Spider, 17

Crab, Velvet Swimming, 17

Crabby Bay, 33, 48. 81

Crabby Beach, 33

Crack Willow, 74

Crambe maritima, 29

Crane's-bill, Alderney, 46

Crane's-bill, Dove's-foot, 27, 46, 48

Crane's-bill, Meadow, 47, 56

Crane's-bills, 55

Crassostrea angulata, 50

Crassula hlemsii, 75, 82

Crataegus monogyna, 5, 39

Crataegus pedicillata, 39

Crayfish, 17

Cress, Hoary, 56

Cress, Shepherd's, 81

Crested Dog's-tail, 57

Crithmum maritimum, 67

Crocosmia x crocosmiflora, 5

Crocus, Sand, 60, 67, 81

Crows, 5, 26

Crustacea, 16

Cudweeds, 27

Curlew, 5, 37

Curly Waterweed, 26, 55

Cuscuta epithymum, 57, 88

Cushion Star, 16

Cuttlefish, 20

Cyclamen hederifolium, 56, 67

Cyclamen, 56, 67

Cynara scolymus, 5

Cynodon dactylon, 70

Cynosurus cristata, 57

Cynosurus echinatus, 57

Cyperus longus, 5

Cyperus Sedge, 58

Cypress, Lawson's, 48

Cytisus scoparius, 87

Cytisus scoparius subsp. maritimus, 89


Dab, 21

Dabberlocks, 13

Dactylis glomerata, 57

Daffodil, Spanish, 53

Daffodil, Wild, 53

Daffodils, 48, 53

Daisy, Ox-eye, 89, 93

Damselfly, Blue-tailed, 62

Damselfly, Southern-emerald, 62

Dandelions, 57

Dark Mullein, 44

Darter, Common, 62

Darter, Red-veined, 62

Dartford Warbler, 83, 93

Darwin Barnacle, 53

Darwin's Barberry, 55

Datura stramonium, 27

Dead Man's Fingers, 15, 59

Dègrées, Les, 92

Desmarestia aculeata, 13

Dew-plant, Rosy, 53

Dictyota, 13

Digger Wasps, 89

Digitalis purpurea, 92

Diodora apertura, 19

Diplotaxis tenuifolia, 27

Diplotaxis muralis, 57

Dipsacus sativus, 30

Dock, 27, 29, 79

Dock, Broad-leaved, 53

Dodder, 57, 88

Dog Cockle, 50

Dog Violet, Common, 40, 81

Dog Whelk, 19, 53

Dog-whelk, Netted, 19

Dog's-tail, Crested, 57

Dog's-tail, Rough, 57

Dolphin, Common, 22

Dolphin, Bottlenosed, 22

Dorothy Perkins Rose, 6

Douglas Quay, 34

Dove's-foot Crane's-bill, 27, 46, 48

Doyle Point, 33

Dragonfly breeding habitats, 55

Dragonfly, Emperor 62

Druce's Oxtongue, 55

Duckweed, Least, 5, 25

Duckweed, Ivy-leaved, 55, 58

Duke of Argyll's Tea-plant, 62

Dulse, 13, 20

Dune Stork's-bill, 70

Dunlin, 37

Dwarf Thistle, 68


Earliest settlement, 76

Early Forget-me-not, 53, 61

Earth-star, 46

Eastern Gladiolus, 33, 48

Echinocardium cordatum, 16

Echium vulgare, 28

Echium pininana, 55

Echium, Giant, 55, 68

Egret, Cattle, 51

Egret, Little, 5, 51

Egretta garzetta, 5

Elaeagnus commutata, 87

Elder, 5, 61, 93

Eleocharis palustris, 91

Elephant's Tusk, 20

Elminius modestus, 17

Elytrigia atherica, 59

Elytrigia juncea, 29, 59

Emperor Dragonfly, 62, 70

Enchanter's-nightshade, 43

English Stonecrop, 57, 64, 67

Enteromorpha, 9, 35

Éperquérie, 26

Epilobium hirsutum, 25

Equisetum arvense, 43

Erica cinerea, 64, 93

Erigeron acer, 46

Erophila verna, 57

Eryngium maritimum, 29

Essex Castle, 76

Essex Hill, 2, 75, 76, 81

Etacs, Les, 92, 99

Eunice harassii, 15

Eupagurus bernhardus, 17

Euphorbia paralias, 29

Euphorbia peplis, 29

Euphorbia portlandica, 57

Euphrasia spp., 89

Evergreen Oak, 58

Eyebright, 89


Fairy Flax, 57

Fallopia baldschuanica, 5

Fallopia japonica, 36

Fan Worm, 49

Feather Star, 16

Fennel, 37

Fenugreek, 6

Fern grass, 27, 57

Fern-grass, Sea, 57

Fern, Adder's-tongue, 75

Fern, Hart's-tongue, 5, 43

Fern, Royal, 58, 88

Fern, Rusty-back, 43

Fern, Water, 25, 55

Field Horsetail, 43

Fig tree, 61

Fig, Hottentot, 30, 48, 53, 59, 99

Fig, Kaffir, 53

Filago spp., 27

Fire-weed, 6

Fish, 20

Flag, Yellow, 57

Flax-leaved St. John's-wort, 83

Flax, Fairy, 57

Flax, Pale, 57

Fleabane, Blue, 46

Fleabane, Canadian, 27, 74

Fleabane, Common, 57, 91

Foeniculum vulgare, 37

Forget-me-not, Changing, 53, 61

Forget-me-not, Early, 53, 61

Forget-me-not, 89

Fort Albert, 48, 58

Fort Albert hill, 55

Fort Clonque, 6, 30

Fort Doyle, 30

Fort Essex, 43

Fort Grosnez, 33, 35

Fort Houmet Herbé, 67

Fort Platte Saline, 29, 30

Fort Quesnard, 64

Fort Tourgis, 5, 77

Foul-water drainage, 81

Four-leaved Allseed, 27, 28

Four-spotted Chaser, 62

Foxglove, 92

Fragaria vesca, 43

Fraxinus excelsior, 44

Freshwater Shrimps, 26

Frogs, 58

Fuchsia, Hedge, 6, 33

Fulica atra, 26

Fuller's Teasel, 30

Fulmars, 93

Furcellaria, 9


Galingale, 5, 25, 27

Galingale, 48

Galinula chloropus, 26

Galium verum, 43

Gammarus locusta, 26, 50

Gannet colony, 91, 93

Gannets, 99

Garden Rocks, 92, 93, 99

Garden Rocks, Plant list, 104

Garfish, 22

Garlic, Hairy, 44

Garlic, Three-cornered, 48

Garlon, 6

Gasterosteus aculeatus, 27

Gatekeeper Butterflies, 64

Gean, 39

Geastrum triplex, 46

Geranium endressii x G. oxonianum, 43

Geranium molle, 27, 46

Geranium pratense, 47, 56

Geranium purpureum, 56

Geranium, Round-leaved, 70

Geranium submolle, 46

Gerarde, 17

Geum urbanum, 43

Giant Puffball , 27

Giant Echium, 55, 68

Giant Rhubarb, 87

Gibbula cineraria, 19

Gibbula pennanti, 19

Gibbula umbilicalis, 19

Giffoine, Le, 93

Gigartina, 9

Gladiolus communis, 33

Gladiolus, Eastern, 33, 48

Glanville Fritillary butterfly, 6, 94

Glaucium flavum, 29

Glaux maritima, 67

Globe Artichoke, 5, 25

Glyceria spp., 25

Gnapthalium spp., 27

Goby, 2-spotted, 22

Goby, Rock, 21

Goby, Sand, 21, 22

Golden Samphire, 6, 35

Golf Course, 45, 48

Goose Barnacle, 50

Goose-foot Star, 16

Goosefoot, 27

Gorse, 7, 24, 59, 61, 70, 74, 92

Grande Blaye, La, 2, 76, 77, 83, 85, 87

Grass, Fern, 27

Grass, Greater Quaking, 30

Grass, Hare's-tail, 27

Great Black-backed Gull, 33, 55

Great Crested Grebe, 56

Great Green Bush-Cricket, 62

Great Millet, 36

Great Mullein, 44, 61

Great Quaking-grass, 30, 82

Great Willowherb, 25, 30

Greater Knapweed, 44, 48

Greater Periwinkle, 5

Greater Reedmace, 82

Greater Spearwort, 5, 25

Greater Tussock-sedge, 24

Grebe, Great Crested, 56

Green Leaf Worm, 15

Green Belt, 78

Green-winged Orchid, 56, 60, 67, 68

Grey Heron, 5, 37

Grey Sedge, 40

Groundsel, Heath, 92

Guillemot, 99

Gull, 5

Gull, Black-headed, 33

Gull, Great Blackback, 55, 96

Gull, Herring, 33, 96

Gull, Lesser Blackback, 96

Gull, Mediterranean, 33

Gunnera tinctoria, 87


Haematopus ostralegus, 5

Hairgrass, Silver 57

Hairy Bird's-foot-trefoil, 83

Hairy Garlic, 44

Hairy Tare, 60, 72, 83

Halichondria panicea, 14

Haliotis tuberculata, 20

Hammond Memorial, 56

Han, 5

Hanging Rocks, 82

Hannaine Bay, 93

Harbour stone-crusher, 33

Hare's-ear, Small, 57, 60, 68

Hare's-foot Clover, 6

Hare's-tail Grass, 27, 57

Harrier, Marsh, 94

Hart's-tongue Fern, 5, 43

Hawk's-beard, 57

Hawkbit, 57

Hawker, Migrant, 62

Hawkweed, 57

Hawthorn, 5, 39, 47, 48, 58, 59, 61, 93

Heath Groundsel, 92

Heather, 64, 67, 92, 93

Heather, Bell, 64, 67, 93

Hedera helix subsp. hibernica, 6

Hedge Fuchsia, 6, 33

Hedge-parsley, Knotted, 70

Heliotrope, Winter, 48

Hemlock, 28

Hen Harrier, 94

Henbane, 56

Herb Bennett, 43

Herb Robert, 55

Herm Oysters, 20

Heron, Grey, 5

Herring Gull, 33

Hirschfeldia incana, 27, 57

Hoary Cress, 56

Hoary Mustard, 27, 57, 62

Hoary Stock, 29, 33, 55

Hogweed, 6, 79

Holly, Sea, 29

Honckenya peploides, 30

Honesty, 81

Honeysuckle, 93

Hornbeam, 40, 58

Horned-poppy, Yellow, 35

Horsetail, Field, 43

Hottentot Fig, 5, 30, 48, 53, 59, 68, 99

Houguette de la Taillie, La, 92

Hyacinth, Tassel, 43

Hyacinthoides non-scripta, 60, 97

Hydrocotyle vulgaris, 58, 91

Hydroides norvegica, 16

Hydroids, 14

Hyocyamus niger, 56

Hypericum androsæmum, 5

Hypochoeris glabra, 57, 88

Hypericum humifisum, 88

Hypericum linariifolium, 83


Ink-cap, 27

Inula crithmoides, 6

Inula conyza, 55

Iris foetidissima, 55

Iris pseudacorus, 27, 57

Iris, Yellow, 27

Iris, Stinking, 55, 61, 74

Irish Moss, 9

Isoetes histrix, 58, 64

Isolepis cernua, 92

Isolepis setacea, 91

Ivy Broomrape, 40

Ivy-leaved Duckweed, 55, 58

Ivy, 6, 62, 93


Japanese Knotweed, 36

Jellyfish, Common, 14

Jellyfish, Compass, 14

Jellyfish, Octopus, 14

Jellyfish, Portuguese Man-of-War, 14

Jellyfish, Stalked, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22

Jewel Anemones, 15

Johnson-grass, 27

Joncquières, 7

Juncus acutus, 67

Juncus bufonius, 55

Juncus maritimus, 67


Kaffir Fig, 53

Kale, Sea, 29, 35, 62, 70

Kidney Vetch, 53

King Rag Worm, 15

King's pond, 58

Kings Battery, 45

Knapweed, Common, 48

Knapweed, Greater, 44, 48

Knawel, Annual, 83

Kniphofia spp., 5

Kniphofia praecox, 63

Knobcone Pine, 47

Knotted Hedge-parsley, 70

Kraus's Clubmoss, 43


L'Aie, 24

L'Essource, 24

L'Etac de la Quoire, 76, 84

La Grande Folie, 68

La Mare du Roe, 58

La Tchue, 79, 81

La Vallée, 39, 40

Ladies Beach, 33

Lady's Bedstraw, 43

Ladysmith, 26

Lagarosiphon major, 26, 55

Lagurus ovatus, 27, 57

Laminaria hyperborea, 13

Lampranthus roseus, 53

Lamprophyre, 8

Lanceolate Spleenwort, 5

Langermannia gigantea, 27

Lanice conchilega, 49

Larus spp., 5

Larus argentatus, 33

Larus fuscus, 33

Larus marinus, 33

Larus melanocephalus, 33

Larus ridibundus, 33

Lassea, 9

Laurus nobilis, 40

Lavatera arborea, 30

Laver, 9

Lavoiret, 25, 26, 39

Lawson's Cypress, 48

Le Mesurier Pier, 34

Le Raz Blanchard, 76

Least Duckweed, 5, 25

Least Adder's-tongue, 75

Leathesia difformis, 13

Lecanora, 14

Lemna minuta, 5

Lemna trisulca, 55

Lepas anatifera, 17

Lepidium draba subsp. draba, 56

Lepidochitona cinereus, 19

Lepidopleurus asellus, 19

Les Becquets, 83

Les Couriaux, 88

Les Doüits, 26

Les Huguettes, 45, 57

Les Rochers, 45

Les Quatre Vents, 85

Lesser Black-backed Gull , 33

Lesser Bulrush, 75

Lesser Centaury, 64, 67

Lesser Meadow-rue, 63

Lesser Parsley-piert, 5, 68

Lesser Spearwort, 5

Lestes barbarus, 62

Leucanthemum vulgare, 89

Leucojum aestivum, 40

Libellula quadrimaculata, 62

Lichen, 9

Lichina, 9

Lighthouse, Casquets, 97

Ligia oceanica, 50

Ligustrum vulgare, 68

Lilac, 47

Limonium binervosum, 6, 67

Limonium normannicum, 67

Limpet, 70

Limpet, Blue-rayed, 19

Limpet, Common, 19

Limpet, Keyhole, 19

Linaria alpina, 30

Linaria vulgaris, 94

Linum bienne, 36, 57

Lithophyllum, 9

Lithothamnion, 9

Little Auk, 99

Little Burhou, 3, 5, 96

Little Burhou, plant list, 102

Little Crabby Harbour, 34

Little Egret, 5, 51

Little Robin, 56

Littorina littoralis, 19

Littorina littorea, 19

Littorina neritoides, 17

Littorina rudis, 19

Littorina saxatilis, 19

Lobster, Edible, 17

Lobster, Squat, 17

Lobularia maritima, 48

Lomentaria, 13

Longis Bay, 1, 45, 50, 61, 64, 76, 81

Longis Common, 56, 57, 58, 76

Longis jetty, 76

Longis Pond, 70, 82, 91

Longis Road, 2, 45

Lotus corniculatus, 30

Lotus angustissimus, 83, 88

Lotus subbiflorus, 83, 88

Lousewort, 89, 92

Lucerne, 83

Lugworm, 15, 49

Lupin, Tree, 30

Lupinus arboreus, 30

Lychnis flos-cuculi, 5

Lycium barbarum, 33

Lycium chinense, 33

Lymnæa spp., 26


Mackerel, Salted, 26

Madder, Wild, 87

Maidenhair Spleenwort, 5, 43

Mallard, 5, 25, 26, 59

Mallow, Common, 27

Mallow, Tree, 30

Malus domestica, 56

Malva sylvestris, 27

Mannez Garenne, 59

Mannez Hill, 59, 63

Mannez pond, 55, 74, 82

Mannez Quarry, 2, 46, 59, 63

Maple, Norway 35

Marine Conservation Society, 19

Marine worms, 15

Maritime Pine, 47

Marquand, E.D., 25, 36

Marram Grass, 29, 35, 56, 59, 68, 70

Marsh Thistle, 5

Marsh Harriers, 94

Marsh Pennywort, 91

Matricaria discoidea, 37

Matricaria spp, 74

Matthiola incana, 29

Mauvaises Herbes, 6

Mauvaises Herbes Law, 56, 79

Mayweed, 27, 74

Mayweed, Sea, 53

Meadow Crane's-bill, 47, 56

Meadow-grass, Narrow-leaved, 44

Meadow-rue, Lesser, 63

Medicago sativa, 83

Medick, Black, 72

Medick, Spotted, 72

Mediterranean Gull, 33

Melilot, Ribbed, 72

Melilot, Small, 72

Melilot, Tall, 72

Melitea cinxia, 6

Membranipora membranacea, 15

Mentha aquatica, 91

Migrant Hawker, 62

Milkwort, Common, 67

Mill-leat, 24

Miniature railway, 72

Mining Bees, 89

Misopates orontium, 30

Molluscs, 17

Monodonta lineata, 19

Montague's Seasnail, 21

Montbretia, 5

Monterey Pine, 48, 68

Montia fontana, 67

Moorhen, 26, 55, 59

Moss, Irish, 9

Mouse-ear, 48, 61, 70

Mugwort, 27

Mullein, Dark, 44

Mullein, Great, 44, 61

Mullet, Thick-lipped Grey, 21

Muscari comosum, 43

Musk Thistle, 44, 61

Mussel, Common, 50

Mustard, Hoary, 27, 57, 62

Mustard, Tower, 48

Mute Swan, 55

Myosotis discolor, 53

Myosotis ramosissima, 53

Myosotis spp., 89

Myriophyllum, 58

Myrtle, 68

Myrtus ugni, 68


Nannels rocks, 5

Narcissus pseudonarcissus subsp. major, 53

Narcissus pseudonarcissus subsp. pseudonarcissus, 53

Narrow-leaved Meadow-grass, 44

Narrow-leaved Vetch, 60, 83

Navigation cone, 83

Needle shell, 19

Neolithic stone circle, 82

Nephthys hombergii, 49

Nereis virens, 15

Nereis diversicolor, 49

Nettles, 58

New Harbour, 34

New Zealand Pigmy-weed, 75, 82

Nicandra physalodes, 27

Norway Maple, 35

Numenias arquata, 5

Nunnery, The, 57, 61 76

Nymphaea alba, 55

Nymphæa spp., 26

Nymphoides peltata, 82


Oak, Evergreen, 58

Oarweed, 13

Oarweed, Japanese, 13

Obelia, 14

Ocenebra erinacea, 19

Octopus, Common, 20

Odontites vernus, 59

Old Harbour, 34

Old Magazine, 45

Old Military Road, 85, 86, 88, 91

Olearia traversiii, 68

Onion, Wild, 48

Ononis reclinata, 60, 68

Onopordum acanthium, 36

Ophioglossum lusitanicum, 75

Ophioglossum vulgatum, 75

Opiothrix fragilis, 16

Opium Poppy, 27

Orache, 27

Orache, Babington's, 35

Orache, Spear-leaved, 35

Orange Bird's-foot, 72, 83, 88

Orchestia gammarella, 50, 16

Orchid, Autumn Lady's-tresses, 56, 60

Orchid, Bee, 51

Orchid, Green-winged, 56, 60, 67, 68

Orchid, Pyramidal, 5, 7, 27, 30, 48, 57, 60

Orchis apifera, 51

Orchis morio, 56, 67

Ormer, 20

Ornithopus perpusillus, 60, 83, 88

Ornithopus pinnatus, 83, 88

Orobanche hederae, 40

Orobanche minor, 28

Orobanche purpurea, 28

Orobanche rapum-genistae, 89

Ortac, 91, 99, 104

Orthretrum cancellatum, 62

Osier, 74

Osmunda regalis, 58, 88

Ostrea edulis, 50

Oxalis articulata, 56

Oxalis, 56

Oxalis, Pink, 67

Ox-eye Daisies, 89, 93

Oxtongue, 27

Oxtongue, Druce's, 55

Oyster Catcher, 5, 37, 51

Oyster Drill, 19

Oyster, Edible, 50

Oyster, Portuguese, 50


Paddleworm, 49

Palaemon serratus, 17

Palaemonetes varians, 17

Pale Flax, 36, 57

Papaver somniferum, 27

Parentucellia viscosa, 64

Parish Church, 39

Parmelia, 14

Parsley-piert, Lesser, 5, 68

Patella aspera, 19

Patella intermedia, 19

Patella vulgata, 19

Patina pellucida, 19

Peacock Worm, 49

Peacock's Tail, 13

Pear-fruited Cockspur-thorn, 39

Pear, Wild, 33

Peat samples, 58

Pedicularis sylvatica, 89

Pelvetia, 9

Pennywort, Marsh, 91

Perennial Wall-rocket, 27, 57

Periwinkle, Flat, 19

Periwinkle, Greater, 5

Periwinkle, Rough, 19, 53

Periwinkle, Round, 19

Periwinkle, Small, 17

Persicaria amphibia, 25, 75

Peruvian Squill, 59

Petit Val, Le, 26

Petite Blaye, La, 2, 24

Petites Blayes, Les, 77, 78

Phalocrocorax carbo, 6

Phleum arenaria, 57

Phragmites australis, 57

Phyllitis scolopendrium, 5, 43

Phyllodoce paretti, 49

Picaterre Farm, 40

Picris echioides, 27

Picris hieracoides, 27

Picris hieracoides var. incana, 55

Pigmy-weed, New Zealand, 82

Pimpernel, Bog, 91

Pimpernel, Scarlet, 53

Pine plantation, 47

Pine, Austrian, 47

Pine, Corsican, 47

Pine, Knobcone, 47

Pine, Maritime, 47

Pine, Monterey, 48, 68

Pine, Scots, 47, 48

Pineapple Weed, 37

Pink Campion, 48, 53

Pink Oxalis, 67

Pinus attenuata, 47

Pinus maritima, 47

Pinus nigra subsp. corsica, 47

Pinus radiata, 48

Pinus sylvestris, 47, 48

Pipefish, 21

Pipefish, Greater, 21

Pipefish, Lesser, 21

Pipefish, Worm, 21

Plaice, 21

Plankton, 14

Plantago coronopus, 27, 53, 58

Plantago lanceolata, 58

Plantain, Buck's-horn, 27,, 53, 58

Plantain, Ribwort, 58

Platte Saline, 1, 25, 26, 29, 30, 59, 70

Platte Saline Battery, 30

Platte Saline Bay, 50

Platte Saline pond, 25

Ploughman's-spikenard, 55

Plover, Ringed, 29, 37

Plum, Cherry, 40

Plum, Wild, 44

Poa angustifolia, 44

Pollack, 22, 50

Pollen in peat borings, 58

Polycarpon tetraphyllum, 27

Polyides, 9

Polypodium interjectum, 43

Polypody, Western, 43

Polysiphonia, 9

Pomatoceros triqueter, 16

Pond Snails, 26

Pondweed, Broad-leaved, 55, 75

Pondweed, Small, 55

Pont Martin, 24

Poplar, 44

Poplar, White, 57, 58

Poppy, Opium, 27

Poppy, Yellow Horned-, 29

Populus alba, 57

Populus canadensis, 44

Porcellana platycheles, 17

Porphyritic felsite, 8

Porpoise, 22

Portland Spurge, 57

Potamogeton berchtoldii, 55

Potamogeton natans, 55, 75

Potamogeton, 58

Power Station, 33

Prawn, 17

Prawn, Chamaeleon, 17

Prickly Saltwort, 29, 35

Primrose, 6, 7, 81

Primula vulgaris, 6, 40

Primula veris, 48

Privet, Wild, 60, 68

Prostrate Broom, 89, 93

Prunus spinosa, 30

Prunus avium, 39

Prunus cerasifera, 40

Prunus domestica, 44

Pteridium aquilinum, 5

Puffball, Giant, 27

Puffin, 21, 93, 96

Pulicaria dysenterica, 57, 91

Punctaria, 13

Purple Broomrape, 28, 48, 57

Purple Spurge, 29, 33

Pyramidal Orchid, 5, 7, 27, 30, 48, 57, 60

Pyrus pyraster, 33


Quaking-grass, Great, 82

Quatre Vents, Les, 93

Quillwort, Sand, 58, 64, 82


Rabbit, 64, 93, 95

Race, The, 76

Radiola linoides, 67

Radish, Sea, 27, 57

Radish, Wild, 57

Ragged Robin, 5

Ragworm, 49

Ragwort, Silver, 30

Ragwort, 56

Ragwort, 79

Raised beaches, 63, 72

Ramalina siliquosa, 14

Ranunculus ficaria, , 40

Ranunculus flammula, 5

Ranunculus lingua, 5

Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. maritimus, 27, 53

Ranunculus tricophyllus, 75

Ravens, 89

Raz Causeway, 61

Raz Island, 70

Razor Shells, 20

Razorbill, 99

Recycling, 81

Red Bartsia, 59

Red-hot Poker, 5, 63

Red-veined Darter, 62

Reed, Common, 57

Reedmace, Greater, 82

Reseda luteola, 56

Restharrow, Common, 60, 72

Restharrow, Small, 60, 68

Ribwort Plantain, 58

Ringed Plover, 29, 37

Robin, Little, 56

Rochers, Les, 2, 45, 47

Rock Pipits, 96

Rock Samphire, 67

Rock Sea-lavender, 6, 67

Rock Sea-spurrey, 97

Rock Worm, 15

Rocket, Sea, 29, 70

Rocket, Wall, 62

Rockling, Five-bearded, 22

Rockling, Shore, 22

Rockrose, Spotted, 88

Rorippa nasturtium-aquatilis, 5

Rosa canina, 56

Rosa pimpinellifolia, 55, 87

Rosa stylosa, 56

Rose Farm, 24

Rose-bay Willowherb, 6

Rose, Burnet, 55

Rose, Dorothy Perkins, 6

Rosy Dew-plant, 53

Rough Clover, 27, 60

Rough Periwinkle, 53

Rough Star-thistle, 36

Round-leaved Geranium, 70

Royal Fern, 58, 88

Rubbish disposal, 79, 81

Rubia peregrina, 87

Rue-leaved Saxifrage, 57, 61

Rush, Toad, 55

Rush, Sea, 67, 68

Russian Vine, 5

Rusty Sallow, 57, 58

Rusty-back Fern, 43


Sabella penicillus, 49

Saccharina polyschides, 13

Salix spp., 26

Salix cinerea subsp. oleifolia, 57

Salix fragilis, 74

Salix matsudana, 87

Salix vimialis, 74

Sallow, Rusty, 57, 58

Sallow, Common, 74

Sally-my-Handsome, 68

Salsola kali, 29, 35

Saltwort, Prickly, 29, 35

Salvia verbenaca, 27

Sambucus nigra, 5

Samolus valerandi, 43, 55

Samphire, Golden, 6, 35

Samphire, Rock, 67

Sand Catchfly, 28

Sand Cat's-tail, 57

Sand Couch, 29, 35, 59

Sand Crocus, 60, 67, 81

Sand Mason, 49

Sand Quillwort, 58, 64, 82

Sand Shrimp, 50

Sand-eel, Greater, 21

Sand-eel, Lesser, 21

Sandhill Snail, 29, 35

Sand-hoppers, 16, 50

Sandpit, Platte Saline, 26, 28

Sandwort, Sea, 30, 35, 61, 70

Sandwort, Thyme-leaved, 68

Saponaria officialis, 35

Sargassum muticum, 13

Saxifraga tridactylites, 57

Saxifrage, Rue-leaved, 57, 61

Saye Bay, 1, 49

Saye Farm, 56

Scarlet Pimpernel, 53

Scilla autumnalis, 5, 64

Scilla peruviana, 59

Scleranthus annuus, 83

Scots Pine, 47, 48

Scurvy-grass, Common, 5, 63

Sea Anemone, Beadlet, 15

Sea Anemone, Snakelocks, 15

Sea Anemone, Trumpet, 15

Sea Cucumber, 16

Sea Aster, 67

Sea Beet, 29, 35, 61

Sea Belt, 13

Sea Bindweed, 29, 35, 62, 70

Sea Bootlace, 13

Sea Campion, 53, 97

Sea Clubrush, 97

Sea-Couch, 35, 59

Sea Fern-grass, 57

Sea Hare, 20

Sea Hen, 22

Sea Holly, 29

Sea Kale, 29, 35, 62, 70

Sea Lemon, 20

Sea Lettuce, 9, 35

Sea mats, 15

Sea Mayweed, 37, 53

Sea Mouse, 15

Sea Oak, 13

Sea Potato, 16

Sea Radish, 27, 57

Sea Rocket, 29, 35, 70

Sea Rush, 67, 68

Sea Sandwort, 30, 35, 61

Sea Slater, 16, 50

Sea Spleenwort, 5, 53

Sea Spurge, 29, 35, 62, 70

Sea Squirts, 14

Sea Urchin, Edible, 16

Sea Urchin, Green, 16

Sea Urchin, Rock, 16

Sea water temperature, 8

Sea-lavender, Alderney, 67

Sea-lavender, Rock, 6, 67

Seals, 22

Sea-milkwort, 67

Sea-slug, 20

Sea-slug, Common Grey, 20

Sea-spurrey, Rock, 97

Sedge, Brown, 72

Sedge, Cyperus, 58

Sedge, Grey, 40

Sedge, Greater Tussock-, 24

Sedge, Sand, 35

Sedum acre, 57, 64

Sedum album, 57, 67

Sedum anglicum, 57, 64

Selaginella kraussiana, 43

Semibalanus balanoides, 16

Senecio cineraria, 30

Senecio sylvaticus, 92

Serpula vermicularis, 16

Sewage disposal, 81

Shanny, 21

Sharks, Basking, 21

Sharp Rush, 67

Sharpe's Farm, 57

Sheerwater, 95

Sheerwater, Manx, 95

Shepherd's Cress, 81

Shrimp, Ghost, 17

Shrimp, Sand, 50

Silene conica, 28

Silene gallica var. quinquevulnera, 28

Silene x hampeana, 53

Silene uniflora, 53, 97

Silver Ragwort, 30

Silver Hairgrass, 57

Silver-Y Moths, 67

Sinapis arvensis, 27

Skimmer, Blue-tailed, 62

Slender Bird's-foot trefoil, 83

Slender Club-rush, 92

Slowworm, 83, 94

Small Hare's-ear, 57, 60

Small Pondweed, 55

Small Restharrow, 60

Small Hare's-ear, 68

Small Restharrow, 68

Smelt, Sand, 22

Smooth Cat's-ear, 57, 67, 68, 88, 92

Smyrnium olusatrum, 43

Snail, Sandhill, 29

Snakelocks, Anemone, 20

Snowflake, Summer, 40

Snow-in-Summer, 56

Soapwort, 35

Soft Brome, 53

Sole, 21

Sorghum bicolor, 36

Sorghum halapense, 27

Southern-emerald Damselfly, 62

Spanish Bluebell, 60

Spanish Broom, 47

Spanish Daffodil, 53

Sparganium erectum, 58

Sparrow Hawk, 94

Spartium junceum, 47

Spearwort, Lesser, 5

Spearwort, Greater, 5, 15, 25

Spergula rupicola, 97

Spike-rush, Common, 91

Spiranthes spiralis, 56

Spire shell, 19

Spirorbis spirorbis, 15

Spirorbis tridentatus, 15

Spleenwort, Black, 43

Spleenwort, Lanceolate, 5

Spleenwort, Maidenhair, 5, 43

Spleenwort, Sea, 5, 53

Sponges, Breadcrumb, 14, 20

Sponges, 14

Spongomorpha, 9

Spotted Rockrose, 88

Spring Starflower, 56

Spurge, Portland, 57

Spurge, Purple, 29, 33

Spurge, Sea, 29, 35, 62, 70

Squid, 20

Squill, Autumn, 5, 64, 67, 81, 93

Squill, Peruvian, 59

SS Tyne wrecked, 85

St. Vignalis, 24

St. Esquère Bay, 64

St. John's-wort, Flax-leaved, 83

St. John's-wort, Trailing, 88

Star Ascidians, 14

Starfish, Common, 16

Starflower, Spring, 56

Star-thistle, Rough, 36

Sternus hirundo, 33

Stickleback, Fifteen-spined, 22

Sticklebacks, 27

Stinking Iris, 55, 61, 74

Stinking Onions, 79

Stock, Hoary, 29, 33, 55

Stonecrop, 48, 64

Stonecrop, Biting, 57, 64, 68, 70

Stonecrop, English, 57, 64, 67

Stonecrop, White, 57, 67

Stork's-bill, Dune, 70

Stork's-bills, 55

Storm Petrel, 95

Stranger's Cemetery, 45, 48

Strawberry, Wild, 43

Strip system agriculture, 77

Subterranean Clover, 6, 60

Sucker, Cornish, 22

Sucker, Lump, 22

Suffocated Clover, 6, 60

Summer Snowflake, 40

Swan, Mute, 55

Swan, Black,

Sweet Alison, 48

Sweet Chestnut, 40

Sweet Vernal-grass, 57

Sweet-grass, 25

Swinge, The, 8, 22, 33, 93

Swinge, 96

Sycamore, 47, 58

Sympetrum flaveolus, 62

Sympetrum fonscolombei, 62

Sympetrum striolatum, 62

Syringa vulgaris, 47


Talitrus saltator, 16, 50

Tamarisk, 25, 33

Tamarix gallica, 25

Tanacetum parthenium, 27

Tansy, 27

Tare, Hairy, 60, 72, 83

Targets, The, 70

Tassel Hyacinth, 43

Teal, 25

Tea-plant, Duke of Argyll's, 62

Teasel, Fuller's, 30

Telegraph Bay, 85, 89, 93

Telegraph steps, 91

Telegraph Tower, 89

Tennis Club, Alderney, 27, 28

Tern, Common, 33, 55

Tête de Judemarre, 88, 91, 93

Tettigonia viridissima, 62

Thalictrum minus, 63

The Race, 45, 76

Theba pissana, 29

Theophrastus, 17

Thesium humifusum, 27

Thistle, Carline, 60, 67

Thistle, Cotton, 36

Thistle, Dwarf, 68

Thistle, Marsh, 5

Thistle, Musk, 44, 61

Thongweed, 13

Thornapple, 27

Three-cornered Garlic, 48

Three-leaved Water-crowfoot, 75

Thrift, 67, 89, 93

Thyme-leaved Sandwort, 68

Thyme, Wild, 57, 67

Thymus polytrichum, 57

Tits, 57

Toad Rush, 55

Toadflax, Alpine, 30

Toadflax, Bastard, 27, 57, 60, 68

Topshell, Flat, 19

Topshell, Grey, 19

Topshell, Large, 19

Topshell, Painted, 19

Topshell, Purple, 19

Topshell, Thick, 19

Torilis nodosa, 70

Tourgis Point, 1, 2, 5, 29

Tower Mustard, 48

Trailing St. John's-wort, 93

Traveller's-joy, 47

Tree Lupin , 30, 74

Tree Mallow, 30

Trefoil, Bird's-foot, 30

Trefoil, Hop, 74

Trifolium arvense, 6

Trifolium occidentale, 5, 60

Trifolium ornithopodioides, 6, 60

Trifolium repens, 5

Trifolium subterraneum, 6, 60

Trifolium suffocatum, 6, 60

Trifolium scabrum, 27, 60

Tripleurospermum maritimum, 37, 53

Tripleurospermum spp., 74

Tristagma uniflorum, 56

Trivia monacha, 19

Trois Vaux, Les, 2, 91, 93

Tuberaria guttata, 88

Tubeworms, 15

Tulostoma brumale, 59

Tutsan, 5

Typha angustifolia, 75

Typha latifolia, 58, 75, 82


Ulex europeus, 7

Umbilicaria, 14

Urtica spp., 58


Val du Saue, 87

Vallée des Goudalons, 89

Vallée, La, 30

Variegated Catchfly, 28, 82

Vau du Fret, 86

Vau Pommier, 5, 6, 8

Vau Renier, 77, 87

Vau Trembliers, 53

Verbascum nigrum, 44

Verbascum thapsus, 44

Verdun Farm, 44

Vergées, 78

Verrucaria maura, 14

Vetch, Common, 60, 72, 83

Vetch, Kidney, 53, 72

Vetch, Narrow-leaved, 60, 72, 83

Vicia bithynica, 33

Vicia hirsuta, 60, 83

Vicia sativa, 60, 83

Vicia sativa subsp. nigra, 60, 83

Victorian mineral railway, 46, 49, 72

Vinca major, 5

Viola riviniana, 5, 40

Violet, Common Dog, 5

Violets, 7

Viper's Buglos, 28, 48, 61

Vraic road, 6, 33

Vraic, 9, 77


Wall Rocket, 62

Wall-rocket, Perennial, 27, 57

Wall-rue, 43

Warblers, 57

Water Fern, 25, 55

Water Mill, 24, 26

Water Mint, 91

Water Rail, 59

Water-cress, 5

Water-crowfoot, Three-leaved, 75

Water-lily, White, 26, 55

Waterweed, Curly, 26, 55

Weasel's-snout, 30

Weever, Lesser, 50

Weld, 56

Western Clover, 5, 60

Western Polypody, 43

Wheatear, 96

Whelk, 19

Whelk, Dog, 53

White Clover, 5

White Water-lily, 26

White Poplar, 57, 58

White Stonecrop, 57

White Water-lily, 55

White Stonecrop, 67

Whitestone' quarry, 72

Whitlow-grass, Common, 57

Whitlow-grass, 61

Whooper Swan, 56

Wild Cherry, 39

Wild Clary, 27

Wild Daffodil, 53

Wild Madder, 87

Wild Onion, 48

Wild Pear, 33

Wild Plum, 44

Wild Privet, 60, 68

Wild Radish, 57

Wild Strawberry, 43

Wild Thyme, 67

Wildlife Conservation Law, 63

Willow Valley, 87

Willow, Contorted, 87

Willowherb, Great, 25, 30

Willowherb, Rose-bay, 6

Willows, 26, 44, 74

Winkle, Edible, 19

Winkle, Sting, 19

Winkle, Toothed, 19

Winter Heliotrope, 48

Worm, Green Leaf, 15

Worm, King Rag, 15

Worm, Peacock, 49

Wormwood, 27

Wrack, Bladder, 9

Wrack, Channelled, 9

Wrack, Knotted, 9

Wrack, Spiral, 9

Wrack, Toothed, 9

Wrasse, 22

Wrasse, Ballan, 22


Xylaria polymorpha, 59


Yarrow, 57

Yellow Bartsia, 64

Yellow Flag, 57

Yellow Horned-poppy, 29

Yellow Iris, 27

Yellow-winged Darter, 62

York Hill Quarry, 2, 33


Zig-Zag, 93

Zostera, 16, 35