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This was NOT the case in Alderney, where 21.0C was recorded at my station in December 1992 and 16.0 in 1987. The highest levCels of rainfall were also noted in many parts of the UK and the other islands but since 1955 there were only 16 years with LESS rainfall in December than the @ @ @ F70mmb this year. It was certainly NOT the wettest December or winter ever recorded in Alderney, there bCeFing AJF*HClick here to type text for *B@ @ @ Link@ @ @ AJE@ @ @ C89 years since 1955 with the January total higher than the @ @ @ 131.7mm recorded here, including the mFassiCve 219.4 mm in January 2014.SSEnd [/ AJHZmF(A@CHHD.HcSEnd 1 B [ARmF(A@CHHD.HcSEnd 'SA B& I mF(A@ASSEndS ^A I RmFA@D@H2015 B@H!otanical report and notes about r@Hecently lost plant speciesTPAlnAlCSEnd^J3 @ ClickHere2_Qy!@PPAJAJQN@P ` @@j*,A9 @ ClickHereP@@@@Y@x`@q PBA@6 69A4AA PP  ZHZOZI sq&B I mF(A@CHHG. 9B@ @ @ Ald9B@ @ @ Recs132015.htmlTPAlnAlCSEndq @U@BA@ q?AA PP  Z"JYm } A yB I m@CHHD H[HH!In the same spot as the original @B@ @ @ O.Rec.@HD HHȔplants several other A Oendangered species list plantsA O, but found more frequently in other places and with a wider distribution can be found most years. Most important of these is probably the @HSmall HareA Os-earHHE @B@ @ @ Bupleurum@HE @B@ @ @ baldenseHH an even tinier member of the Parsley family. This does however occur in several other places along this coast and on Longis Common, always in very short dry turf or HB@ @ @ barishHH2 ground. Two others also found in these areas are @B@ @ @ Bastard-toadflaxHB@ @ @ D,HHE @B@ @ @ Thesium@HE @B@ @ @ humifusum,HH with sHHDeHHDvHHDeHHDrHHDaHH;l creeping olive-green coloured stems a few inches long, whHHDiHHDcHHFh dHHDaHHDrHHDkHHDeHHFn aHHDnHHGd shHHDoHHFw uHHGp weHHDlHHGl laHHDtHHDeHHFr iHHFn tHHDhHHFe yHHDeHHDaHHr and minute greenish-white HB@ @ @ 5-petalledHH flowers and Lesser HB@ @ @ Centaury,HHE @B@ @ @ Centaurium@HE @B@ @ @ pulchellumHB@ @ @ D,HHJ another one inch high plant seems to have gone. Its bigger cousin Common HB@ @ @ CentauryHB@ @ @ D,HHE @HGC. @B@ @ @ erythreaHB@ @ @ D,HH usually about 9A O or more is still frequent in many places. I have looked in vain this year and last year for what was, I think, our only colony of Sea Aster, @HAster @B@ @ @ tripoliumHB@ @ @ D,HHk in rock ledges near Fort Houmet Herb. This normally has blue flowers, but our colony had white. The yelloHHDwHHG-floHHwered HB@ @ @ CarlineHHE THHGhistHHDlHHGe, @B@ @ @ Carlina@HE @B@ @ @ Ev@B@ @ @ Eu@B@ @ @ lgaris@HD HH,can be found along here, usually as single aHHDlHHDoHHDnHHFg tHHDhHHFe eHHDdHHDgHHFe oHHFf pHHDaHHDtHHDhHHDwHHDaHHDyHH-s, plants which dry out after flowering and fHHDrHHKequently survive to the following year and, nearer the earlier site of the HB@ @ @ OnonisHB@ @ @ D,HH several patches of the purple DHHDwHH arf Thistle, @B@ @ @ Cirsium@HE @B@ @ @ acauleHB@ @ @ I LsHH spiny rosettes can be found. These normally have one or occasionally 2 flowers in the centre of the rosette but a few plants put up a stem 6-9 iHHDnHHFcheHH-s high with mostly a single bloom at the top.HdPAlnA iDPTabA CSEndq }BBA@9 9 plants in grassy areas were just assumed to be this and not @HGO. @B@ @ @ reclinata@B@ @ @ D.HdPAlnA iDPTabA |CSEnd @  A I RmF@A@CH[HOWe have a considerable number of single records of plants, some of them back into the mid 1800A Os which have not been seen since the first finding and were probably casual plants which never seeded to establish themselves, or were possibly misidentified in the first place. A OGarden escapesA M into A Othe wildA O are now considered by botanical institutions to be part of the HB@@@@A` recordableHOk flora if they establish themselves and spread from seed or suckers over the next few years and there is an ever increasing number of these being recorded in Alderney, as well as a few more species arising from long buried seed in old quarry spoil when it is disturbed. This has been particularly noticeable in the last two or three years in Mannez Quarry and neaHHr the sea on Platte Saline.HdPAlnA iDPTabA CSEnd _ A I KmFcfhA@CH[HH|Several rare orchids, usually only present in one or at most two spots in very small numbers, have not been found recently. @HSouthern Marsh-orchidHHF, @B@ @ @ Dactylorhiza@HE @B@ @ @ praetermissaHB@ @ @ D,HH near the HB@ @ @ BonneHHD HB@ @ @ TerreHH0 dam, last seen about 2009. Early Marsh-orchid, @HGD. @B@ @ @ incarnataHB@ @ @ D,HH 1954 and @HHeath spotted-orchid,HHE @HGD. @B@ @ @ maculataHB@ @ @ D,HH+ last seen on Essex Hill in 1989. Our rare @H Bee OrchidsHHE @B@ @ @ Orchis@HE @B@ @ @ morioHH were in poor numbers at their usual place near the Camp Site in 2011, where they had been badly damaged by both mowing and scramble bHHEikHHDeHO}s in some previous years and have been long gone from the patch across the road above Arch Bay, but I found two flowers on the bank above the inner harbour where it was first seen about 4 years ago this year and half a dozen on top of an old German bunker where it had not been recorded previously. I have also been told of a colony with several plants on the S. coast low down the cliffs, but am unable to get the exact location or to visit it. This colony has now recovered considerably after the motorcycles were prevented from using this small area and in some years since 2012, 20-30 plants have been noticed in late April and May.HdPAlnA iDPTabA CSEnd @5"A I RmF(A@CHHB.TPAlnAlCSEnd = A I RmF(A@BBrian Bonnard.TPAlnAlCSEnd @ d" hA `I RmFGA@CH[HH;There was only one new plant species reported in 2015 and tHHJhis report will be more of a tale of plants which seem to have vanished frHHDoHHm our flora, or garden weeHHDdHHs which have spread.HdPTabA gCSEnd :1@Engineering NumberingI 8@ OXj:/9@Viewed Anchor (A)P@ @@ @Y@x`mrW@@ Default TableQH@@RB0PAAP @ SuperTableH@@Default Table Style Ay@. A@_X@@Default Right ColumnQ@H@@@QH0@AAP@CCellX$@@ Default Texty@![AyX@@Default ColumnQ@H@@@QH0@AAP@CCellX$@@ Default Texty@!`AyX@@Default Left ColumnQ@H@@@QH0@AAP@CCellX$@@ Default Texty@!1b@Default Headingsa] yJqAu *yd@Q $@StoryYAAm 'yd@d@Story_m SmCH HBvSSEnd 'Ayd@d@FStoryAYAAmaSm@D@@ap@PT@@apE.@@ap@PT@@apE.@@ap@PT@@apE.@@ap@PT@@apE.@@ap@PT@@apE.@@ap@PT@@apE)@@ap@PT@@apE)@@ap@PT@@apE)@@apE(@@ap@P T@@apB)SSEnd 9RSm 8@D@@ap@PT@@apF.0@@apE.@@ap@PT@@apE.@@ap@PT@@apE.@@ap@PT@@apE.@@ap@PT@@a?pE.@@a?p@PT@@apE.@@ap@PT@@apE.@@ap@PT@@apE.@@ap@P QSSEndO:SmN@B Click here to type text for LinkSSEndo,kA @ Note Date`P@Y@x`al2 2PAm@ASSEndV qAJ@^"q_@@CURL@BotRecs132015.html+@Outline (Indented)P@ @@i@(@&Traditional Indented Outline Numbering@@@pE A@CfD? " @@@QP ,q@Default OutlineI@ OP"&AI KmFQA@BIFor information about our rare/endangered species please visit the link bCeWlow. Many are also illustrated in the Plant List accessed from the second page of this @ @ @ website@ @ @ C.B TPAlnAlCSEnd  A I KmFuA@CH[HHտAlong the East Coast path, much of it only a few feet above the stony beach level, at the highest point is a wider grassy area of short turf over the rocks, kept short by rabbits and walkers, the site of a large GHHMerman wartime bunker and trench, which the Alderney Wildlife Trust have cleanHHDeHH0d out for visitors in the last few years, overloHHDoHHking the area of reefs to the FHHrench HB@ @ @ CotentinHHd peninsula coast only 7-8 miles away and Jersey, about 30 miles away, seen in the distance on very cHHrlear days. This patch of ground is slightly acid and supports a fairly lage patch of Heather, Bell Heather, Gorse HH%and several other plants such as the HB@ @ @ GpinkHB@ @ @ D-HB@ @ @ spotted/whiteHB@ @ @ D-HB@ @ @ DpHB@ @ @ DeHB@ @ @ DtHB@ @ @ DaHB@ @ @ DlHB@ @ @ DlHB@ @ @ DeHB@ @ @ DdHHE @HEnglish @B@ @ @ StonecropHB@ @ @ D,HHE @HSedum @B@ @ @ anglicumHH and others such as @HAutumn @B@ @ @ SquillHB@ @ @ D,HHE @B@ @ @ Scilla@HE @B@ @ @ autumnalis,@HD HH (which ofteHHn flowers in lHHAate July or at the beginning of August), Autumn Ladies-tresses, @B@ @ @ Spiranthe@B@ @ @ Es@HE @B@ @ @ spiralisHB@ @ @ D,HH> etc. which prefer this slight acidity and our main colony of @H Sand CrocusHHF, @B@ @ @ Romulea@HE @B@ @ @ columnaeH[HHJcreating a dense strip of tiny mauve and white flowers, one to each plant,@HD HH]in the several well trodden paths across it, on a sunny morning in late March and April. ThesHH>e flowers are barely visible when there is no sunshine. A few @HGreen-winged OrchidsHHF, @B@ @ @ Orchis@HE @B@ @ @ morioHH also occupy this areaHH4. The land either side is slightly Alkaline and the HB@ @ @ DSHB@ @ @ tonecropsHH$ change to the more common, yellow, @HBiting @B@ @ @ StonecropHB@ @ @ D,HHE @H Sedum acreHHE. HdPAlnA iDPTabA CSEnd u yA qI KmFZA@CH[HH.Foremost amongst these natural losses was the @H Purple SpurgHHGe, @B@ @ @ Euphorbia@HE @B@ @ @ peplisHB@ @ @ D,HO the two colonies here being the last places in the British Isles where it was surviving. This rare plant was first found here by an eminent botanist, Joshua Smith, in 1838 and was extremely rare in England even then. It grew in small areas of the coarse gravel just above HB@ @ @ FHWMHO on Crabby Bay and Platte Saline beaches and its seeds were distributed by the sea water. Botanists came from far and near to see it and I am fortunate to have several photographs of the plants, taken in the early 70A Os. In a great storm in 1977 these two areas were badly altered by the huge waves and the plants washed away with the stones. Despite searching by a number of botanists each year for many years afterwards, several of whom had actually seen it here before the storm, it has never been HB@ @ @ refoundHHK and is now officially considered to be extinct in the British Isles flora.HdPAlnA iDPTabA xCSEnd B A I RmF A@CHHD.HdPAlnA iDPTabA CSEnd / A I RmF A@CHdPAlnAlCSEnd h8 mA dI RmF A@CHdPAlnA iDPTabA lCSEnd.A :@Legal NumberingI@ OXZa  ;] PAm@ASSEnd SmCH HBSSEndTSm@D@@@Px@PT@@@PxE.@@@Px@PT@@@PxE.@@@Px@PT@@@PxE.@@@Px@PT@@@PxE.@@@Px@PT@@@P?xE.@@@P?x@PT@@@PxE.@@@Px@PT@@@PxE.@@@Px@PT@@@QpE.@@@Qp@P QSSEndGoA @ Body Singlep@i@P@@@pE A@Am@D= Xw+@DTitleP@@@i@P@@@pEAm@DdB}q*A # @@@  f\Uw @ Number Listp@i@P@@@pE A@Am@D  ! @@@QP q8 uA mI RmF A@CHdPAlnA iDPTabA tCSEnd  A I KmFy4A@CH[HOJIt is fortunate that most of our endangered or rare plants are tiny, often inconspicuous, so that most people would not even notice them and they have no commercial value. We nevertheless owe it to both posterity and the world at large to preserve and if possible increase their numbers. We have in addition 2 endemic plants; the @HAlderney Sea-lavenderHHF, @B@ @ @ Limonium@HE @B@ @ @ normannicumHH and the @HAlderney GeraniumHHF, @H Geranium @B@ @ @ submolle@B@ @ @ D,HH[ which are not found anywhere else in the world except perhaps the other Channel Islands. HdPAlnA iDPTabA CSEnd  A I YmFF&A@CH[HHIt is therefore obvious why Alderney, with a wild flower density more than 100 times that of the average UK VC and ten times that of the other CIs, except Sark wHHDhHHDiHHDcHHh has almost the same ratioHH , is of mHHuch interest to visiting botanists and other naturalists and, with the appropriate publicity, is therefore in an excellent position to attract large numbers of "wildlife tourists".HdPAlnA iCSEnd m- qA hI RmFA@CH[HHSince the 1970A Os a number of our rarer plants have been lost, either by natural causes or by our interference with their habitats in some way, building development and frequent mowing of grassy areas being the most common.HdPAlnA iDPTabA pCSEnd {U ; ' : ZB @GBullet 1p@i@P@@@pE A@Am@D  " @@@RH wOf @ Table Textp@i@P@@@pE A@Am@Db|r}# U[Df @ Heading 3P@@@i@P@@@pEAm@D B}t> # @@@  = A I KmF(AA@CH[HO:Alderney is a paradise for botanists who can contribute considerably to our economy because it has many more species of wildflowers per sq. km. than anywhere else in the British Isles, including the two larger Channel Islands. (Sark has fewer species but almost the same ratio per sq. km) For comparison, to quote HH:a summary which appeared in the September 2004 edition of @H BSBI News@HD,HH of the overall HB@ @ @ findings,fromHH Prof. HB@ @ @ StaceHHP of Leicester University and 3 other eminent botanists who published a 405 page @Ho"Vice-County Census Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Great Britain, The Isle of Man and the Channel Islands"HH in 2003@HE.@dPAlnA iDPTabA CSEnd 8 A I YmF A@CHHD.HdPAlnA iCSEnd ACD ' ; # ZB( @GBullet 2p@i@P@@@pE A@Am@D  " @@@RH c PD[2U @ Heading 2P@@@i@P@@@pEAm@D B}t> # @@@  H A I KmFA@CH[HHThis summary shows the total numbers of Wild Flowers recorded in each of the 113 Vice Counties, divided into Native and Alien (naturalised) species (or taxa); the area of each VC in square kilometres; and the ratios of the number of plants per sq. km. HdPAlnA iDPTabA CSEnd  A I YmFF&A@CH[HHZAlderney with 1,042 species recorded since the first records were published in 1839 and arHHDoHHDuHHDnHHFd 9HHD5HHF0 sHHDtHHDiHOll to be found today in its approximately 9 sq. km. area, thus has a ratio of at least 100 species per sq. km. if one includes only the current flora, rather than all the species ever recorded, as is probably the case with the UK and other CI VCs. (This number fÂHHDoHHFr AHHDlHHDdHHDeHHDrHHDnHHDeHH'y has been increased by 2016 to 1,122).HdPAlnA iCSEnd qC2  c '  (S2 @First Line Indentp@i@P@@@pE A@Am@D-# c P2[(D @ Heading 1P@@@i@P@@@pEAm@D B}t> # @@@   A I HAmFF&A@CH[HHSurrey, with 2,409 taxa has the highest number of different species recorded in its 1,960 sq. km area, giving a ratio of 1.229 species per sq. km., whilst HB@ @ @ WesterHH Ross in Scotland has only 902 taxa recorded in its huge area of 3,360 sq. km. and a ratio of only 0.275 species per sq. km. The average ratio for the whole UK is 0.955 species per sq. km. HdPAlnA iCSEnd . A I YmF A@CHdPAlnA iCSEndc  b  g A I HAmFA@CH[HO"The Channel Islands between them have at least 1,725 species found in their total area of only 194 sq. km. and thus have a ratio of 8.89. The nearest similar number of taxa found in a UK VC is in Nottinghamshire, with 1,727 species in 2,180 sq. km. and a ratio of 0.792 species per sq. km. HdPAlnA iCSEnd c   H$@P@P P P DiEa H@H@@P@@P@@PPpPP`@p@P P t-'WGADQGAOALQPQHATANAYAZAVAUAWAXA\A[A^A_A`AaAbAIAJAKAQARASAM@ dAeAfAcAgAhAiAjP@Pa cH dP@PxcPxc pcP cpccP cpcPaH pcPa cpc pcy ccpcPaH pcP`P excP cUUH cpcP@QHdP@QTT cpcP@PP xcP a cTT cpcP@QH dP@QUUH cpcP@QHdP@P@@Times New RomanHWH @Calibri H@ MS Sans Serif H @ WingdingsH @ Arial Black H@Arial h@@ H@@p@@HGH@ ]AAQrys@@George P. Burdell832882267FA =iaA@H@@P@@P@@PPpPP'@%C:\lotus\smasters\wordpro\default.mwpH@p@P P pA OCanon MG6300 series Printerd F ߁@ D 4d@D@PQA43PPP MBJDM iHP QRItIITI`OIpIITI`OIpIRItIITITII`OIpIITITIIITITII`OIpLXX@D@R@A@F@T?C@a@n@o@n@ @M@G@6@3@0@0@ @s@e@r@i@e@s@ @P@r@i@n@t@e@r  F ߁@ D 4d@D@PPA@4?PPPk;@@d@PB@@@ENe08:@Canon MG6300 series Printer @winspoolP@E1-9999XPDUVers@P@Original Version@ Brian Bonnard+tV(W` @@ASMH```````-'WGAQA A Q QAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !A"A#A A$A%A&A'(A)A*A+A,A-A.A/A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9A:A;@ AAAQAAQ>A?AAAB@@Brian Bonnard1458730027A DYƤ1:.P@@CHH@sh PIHBJN   JGQv1XB<IIIIIIIIII#IIIIIIIPI>IbItI,I5IIITIIIIII%IIII.I7I@IIIRI^IjIIvIIIIIIIIIIIIIII*IoI~IHLQ1II.II$II!I,!I8I8I:8I9IO8I#!IC8I8I9I9IIIIIf8I8I!I[8I8I8If9I8I8I8I8I8I39II4I(9I>9IG9IP9I[9I;IIIhYI|IIIIIiIwIIsIIIeIIIUIIIIIIlI7;IaVIZIGkI2VIkIjItIdIIILI/ IIryI I I[ I II;~IMyIxtI I I5 I6I?IKI9IIkI I[I9IQIKI|I Ic.IA I IGII' I3jIJIINnIIIuII} I^zI I IBIcI I{I yIEqI}jIQI3I5!ItII=I2I IA.I3I4II!I I=ISIn I;I&YIYIUIYI0@-@- >-_        _      ,Arial-h!@!@!@!@!@!@#P@-#P#P>-_#P@-#P@-#P`#P`#P#PD#P#"Pl#$P #+PD#.P#5P#6P#7PD#8P #;P#P#@P#AP#BP#CP#DPs#EP#FP#GP#HP#IP#JP#KPF#LP #MP#NP#OP#PP#QP#RP#SP#TPD#UP#VP#WP#XP#YP#ZP#[P#]P#^P}#_P}#`P#aP#bP#cPd#dP `P `P*v _Wv2?@  -a````a]`` ` ` a ^ ````a]````aa````a]_ _!a"a#a$_%a&_'a(_)a*$_+a,_-a._/?`r'Highest daily figures are in red, Lowest in green type. Where a zero occurs in any column it is not colouredK^Alderney Weather 2015 reduced range of daily records at Platte Saline%^ January^February  ^March ^April ^May ^June %^July ^Day ^Baro ^Temp ^Rain ^Sun ^Notes ^Day ^Baro ^Temp  ^Rain  ^Sun  ^Notes  ^Day  ^Baro ^Temp ^Rain ^Sun ^Notes ^Day ^Baro ^Temp ^Rain ^Sun ^Notes ^Day ^Baro ^Temp ^Rain ^Sun ^Notes ^Day ^Baro  ^Temp !^Rain "^Sun #^Notes $^Day %^Baro &^Temp '^Rain (^Sun )^Notes ^Month ^Highest^High/Low ^day ^day ^Month ^Highest^High/Low  ^day  ^day  ^Month  ^Highest^High/Low ^day ^day ^Month ^Highest^High/Low ^day ^day ^Month ^Highest^High/Low ^day ^day ^Month ^Highest ^High/Low !^day "^day $^Month %^Highest&^High/Low '^day (^day^Mb ^Temp C^mm ^ hours^Mb ^Temp C ^mm  ^ hours ^Mb ^Temp C^mm ^ hours^Mb ^Temp C^mm ^ hours^Mb ^Temp C^mm ^ hours^Mb  ^Temp C!^mm "^ hours%^Mb &^Temp C'^mm (^ hours +^High ,^Low -^High .^Low%@%@%%Q%R^Mainly dull%@%@ ^8.6/3.4% Q%  ^Br Cl, windy% @% '10.4/8.2%@%'Patchy sun%@%'11.4/7.4%%'Sunny, Vwindy%@ 'rain%@%@ '17.8/10.4%!%"#'RainVWS8.30%$@%%&^28.7/16.2%'%()'Br cl>173.3012.00>sun FMn%+%%,%-Q9%.Q%%%!%@%^OcastFMn%% ^6.8/2.1% %  ^Lt snow, sun FMn% %  '9.1/5.9%%Q'Lt cl. Sunny%%'12.4/8.9%Q%ҏ'Sun10.30on Windy% 'rain%% '18.1/15.4%!%"%#'Sunny Lt W%$%%&^24.1/14.2%'%(D)'Sun to 18.00>trace rain%+Q-%,&%-Q<%.#%%%%%^Overcast%%@ ^7.8/0.4% %  ^Cl Vwindy% % @'13.1/2.7%%'Sun win %%'11.9/5.3%%z'S10-15 ClearFMn%^Rain total to 4.5.15%'Full Moon%% '23.3/8.1%!%"R`#'Wup sun to19.0%$%%&^22.7/14.8%'%()'Sun 05.40-18.00 Lt cl & w%+Q:%,Q%-8%.%% @% % % %  ^Ocast FMn% @%  ^7.2/0.4% %  ^FMn VWindy% @%  '11.7/5.6% % A 'Clear skies% @%  '15.3/5.4% % R: 'Clearskies lightwind% @%  '13.4/8.4% %   'V.windy% @%  '17.6/11.6% !% " #'Sunny from 10.00% $@% % &^22.1/14.0% '% ($ )'Sun from 09.30.Lt wind% +,% ,% -Q7% .% % % % % t ^Br cloud Mo% % @ ^7.1/4.7% %  ^BrCL Windy% % @ '12.6/5.5% % A 'Clear skies% %  '15.5/5.4% % @ 'Clearskies lightwind% %  '13.8/7.9% %  'Sunny% %  '17.6/10.9% !% "X #'Clear sky>18.45% $% % &^27.7/16.2% '% (v )'Mainly sunny Lt Wind% +,% ,Q% -QE% .(% % @% % % | ^Sunny a.m.% %  ^8.2/4.7% % @ ^Pa sun windy% %  '11.7/5.7% %  'Mainly clear% %  '17.0/7.4% % C 'Clearskies lightwind% %  '15.9/9.9% Q% Q* 'light cloud, calm% %  '19.4/11.7% !% " #'95%Sun Windy% $% % &^20.5/14.9% '% ( )'Driz wind,Sun 9-20.00>Th % +0% ,Q% -Q3% .Q%% % % Q% %   ^HSh Sun pm% % @ ^9.8/4.7% %  ^Br Cl. 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W lt%$@%%@&^20.2/18.7%'%( )'Cloud, windy Sun 11.20<%+Q0%,%-2%..%%%Q%&%!^V windy rain%% ^9.4/6.1% % @ ^Overcast, Wi% % '10.4/4.6%% 'Sun to 11.30%%'18.4/9/1%%!'Thin cl 99% Sun%%'15.4/9.6%Q %'Rain to 11.00%%@ '21.1/12.6%!%"RY#'sun from 6.30.W lt%$%%@&^19.9./15.8%'%(R})'Cly Windy Sun10.15-16.00%+4%,%-1%.'%%@%Q%%h^V wind.dr.ha%%^13.2/5.5% Q%  ^Clear, calm% % @'10.7/4.9%%'Dull, windy%%'22.4/10.1%%<'Mostly sun Lt cloud%%'16.6/10.6%%A'Sun 1100-set%% '20.5/12.6%!%"x#'Sunny, Lt Winds%$%%&^19.4/14.7%'%(  )'Fg driz Sun 10.50-15.30 Fg%+Q3%,%-0%.$%%%Q%%^windy, cloudy%% ^9.2/6.1% % @ ^Drizzle,br sun% % @'13.1/4.2%%'Hazy sun%%'18.9/10.5%%#'Patchy Cl, Sunny%%'17.1/9.9%%'Fog Sun09-21%% '20.8/13.1%!%"$#'Lt cloud & winds%$%%&^23.6/15.3%'%(")'Fg in/out. int Sun 09< windy%+4%, %-;%.Q&%@%%Q%% ^FR hSh br cl%@%^10.4/1.9% %  ^Clear sl wind% @% '11.32/7.5%%'Thin fog haze%@%'14.8/9.0%@%'Shower. 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Lt Cl &wind%+)%,%-Q7%.Q#%%'11.4/0.4%%^Mainly sunny%% ^9.1/3.7% Q %  ^Sun/Hail.VVW% % '11.1/3.2%%@'Overcast, dull%%%'21.8/114%%-'Calm Sun from 8.30%%@ '21.6/11.1%!%"#'Sun to 20.30 Lt win%$%%@&^23.1/16.1%'%(1)'Sunny 07.30cloudy%$%%&^18.2/13.2%'<%(R!)'Storm T&L Cloudy Very windy%+;%,%--%.!%@%^9.65/ 0.1%%^ sun/ 1sh%@%^11.7/9.7% % Q ^Br Cl, sun W% @% @'11.7/6.1%@%'Sunny, Br cloud%@%@%@ '17/11.1%%'Sun 7.30-15.10>dul%@% '26.1/11.1%!%"y#'Sunny Lt wind%$@%%&^20.1/13.8%'%(=)'Mainly sunny. Windy%+QA%,%-Q2%."%% ^9.7/0.4%Q%^sun/ brief sh%%^10.6/6.2% %  ^Drizzle/ dull% % @'13.2/8.2%%'Mainly sunny%%%@ '18/9.1%%Rs'Sunny/Br Cld%% '20.1/11.4%!%"#'Sun 08-18, Cloudy%$%%&^19.5/13.2%'+%(; )'Rain Windy, Th Sun14.30-16%+Q2%,%-0%.!%%%%@% ^drizzle%%@^10.1/6.8% Q% Q ^Br cl Lt W Sun% % '11.6/8.9%Q%R'Sunny to 15 Driz ;%%%'19.1/12.0%%R`'Mainly sunny%%@ '21.4/10.6%!%";#'Sunt0 17.00>cloudy%$%%&^18.2/14.6%'%(R)'Shrs V windy Broken Cloud%+3%,Q#%--%.$% % % %  %  ^Ocast, windy% %  ^10.4/9.4% %  ^Br cl. 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Lt Cl Windy%@ @%@ @^ 19.4/18.0%@%@!@'Intermittent sun Very windy%@@%@@^ 19.1/11.3%@%@%@'Clear skies. Sun from 07.50 LtW%@@%@@^`14.6/12.8%@%@%@'O'cast V.windy Brief sun Rghsea @^only%@@(b@!ffffff#@ !'@@ @@@P(b@"zGS@ "(@@ @@@P%@$4%@%%@&%@'$%@(0%@)%@*/%@+Q%@,$%@- %A%AA^30.5/15.3%A%A`!A'Lt overcast12 Lt Wind Clnight%B%BB^ 17.9/12.6%B %B 'B 'Drizzle, Br cl Sun 09.45-16.30>cl%B %B B^ 18.9/10.1%B%BR"B'Hazy cloud. Calm early>windy%B%BB^ 15.1/13.3%B%B%B'O'cast fog Lt drizzle. Lt winds%B%BB^14.3/9.6%B%BR B'Mainly O'cast. Wind rising(bB!ffffff?@ !'BB BBBP(bB"\(\O@ "(BB BBBP%B$4%B%%B&,%B'%B(Q/%B)Q%B*%%B+%B,#%B-%C%C@C^21.2/14.7%C%CR$C'Windy. Sun 6.15-17> ocast driz%C%CC^ 18.9/12.6%C %C C 'Br Cl 9.45-17.00 Windy%C %C C^ 16.8/13.1%CQ%Ce&C'Overcast sun 8-9 & 10-13.R 19.00%C%CC^ 15.1/13.6%C%C%C'O'cast Lt drizzle/dull Lt winds%C%CC^ 13.7/11,1%C@%CRH%C'Br Cl. Patchy sun 09-14.00 1 Sh(bC!433333.@ !'CC CCCP(bC"QQ@ "(CC CCCP%C$5%C%$ C&^18.9%C'%C(*%C) %C*%%C+Q!%C,Q"%C-%D@%DD^21.1/14.7%D%DQ#D'Br Cl Int sun >TLR shrs windy%D@%D@D^ 19.7/13.6%D %D "D '1Sh.Br Cl 10-19.00. Lt Winds%D @%D @D^17.0/13.2%D%D%D'O'cast Mainly showers. V windy%D@%D@D^ 15.6/13.9%D%D%D'Cloudy, Breezy Occ drizzle mild%D@%DD^ 13.5/11.3%DQ%D%D'O'cast, Windy Rough sea Tr rain(bD!gffff3@      ! 'DD DDDP(bD"̬Q@      " (DD DDDP%D$4%D%$ D&^19.7%D'"%D(@%D)!%D*'%D+"%D,!%D-Q%E%E@E^23.8/11.3%E%E<%E'Lt Cl>clear06.55 Sunny Lt winds%E%EE^ 20.9/10.4%E %E R5%E 'D to 10.10>Mainly sunny to19.10%E %E @E^ 17.0/13.1%E%E'E'ShrBrisf sunny intervals. V windy%E%E@E^ 17.1/14.5%E%E$E'Showers Cloudy V. windy No sun%E%E@E^ 14.7/12.6%E%ER%E'Mainly cloudy Litlle less windy%E$(bE!#@      ! 'EE EEEP(bE"QUY@      " (EE EEEP%E$;%E%Q%E&Q4%E'%E(Q,%E)!%E**%E+"%E,$%E-%F%FF' 22.5/11.3%F%FR%F'Dull>Clear skies Lt Winds Sunny%F%F@F^ 19.9/10.5%F %F R5&F 'Cl sky Unbroken sun. Lt win rise%F %F @F' 16.8/13.4%FQ%Fe"F'Br sun 8-9, 10-13.00 V windy%F%FF^ 17.2/11.6%F@%F%F'Cl Oc rain Patchy sun 14.00 Win%F%FF^ 13.8/11.9%F%F'F'Mainly sunny from 10.10.Lt W rise(bF!333333@      ! 'FF FFFP(bF"Hz[@      " (FF FFFP%F$Q8%F%Q%F&1%F'Q%F(*%F).%F**%F+Q$%F,"%F-%G%GG^23.8/14.8%G%GF G'Clear skies Lt Winds Sunny%G%G@G^ 20.9/15.3%G %G Ҷ&G 'Br Cl patchy sun 09-19.00 win up%G %G @G^ 16.1/10.4%G%GL$G'O'cast.Ptchy sun 10.30> VWindy%G%GG^ 16.7/12.9%G%G!G'Cloudy, windy, brief shower%G%GG^ 14.1/8.9%G%G7&G'BrCl>hail>Patchy sun Wind rising(bG!/@      ! 'GG GGGP(bG" ףp=JV@      " (GG GGGP%G$:%G%%%G&Q4%G'Q& G(^16.1%G)%G*)%G+%G,Q#%G-Q%H@%HH^20.7/15.0%H%H7$H'Clear sky to 18.15 Wind rising%H@%HH^ 22.4/15.6%H %H #H 'Clear, sunny 9.30-18.50 Windy%H @%H H^ 19.3/10.2%H%HQ#H'Mainly sunny from 10.15. Calm%H@%HH^ 16.0/13.1%H%H!H'Br Cl Sun from 08.30. Windy%H@%HH^ 12.6/10.4%H%HRw"H'Cl sky +/-Sunny 09.00<.Windy(bH!?      ! 'HH HHHP(bH"](,X@      " (HH HHHP%H$3%H%%H&8%H''%H(Q0%H)%H*%H+Q %H,%H-%IA%II' 19.9/15.6%I%I, I'Mainly overcast Very windy%IA%II^ 23.9/15.8%I %I QI 'Clear sky to 19.00. Windy%I A%I I^ 17.6/13.4%I%I$I'O'cast Patchy sun 9.15-15 Lt W%IA%II^ 15.1/13.7%I%IR&I'Cloudy, Mild, less windySun 09.30-16.V WindyO'cast16.00(bK!A@ !'KK KKKP(bK"QQ@ "(KK KKKP%K$6%K%'%K&Q/%K' %K('%K)%K*&%K+Q"%K,"%K-%L@%LL^ 21.1/17.8%L%L$L'Fog/heavy overcast drizzle day%L@%LL^ 20.7/13.6%L %L ҅#L 'Lt winds>Sun9.50>Rain/W15.15>%L @%L L^ 14.4/10.7%L%LT#L'Cloudy patchy sun 08-15.00 VW%L@%LL^ 16.4/11.4%L@%L$L'Gales, 2 Shrs. Sun early&later%L@%L@L^ 117/8.7%L%LR(L'Ngt Sh Br Cl/clear. Dry Less windy(bL!I@ !'LL LLLP(bL"|GN@ "(LL LLLP%L$Q2%L%Q+%L&3%L'" L(^14.4%L)%L*&%L+%L,Q%L-%M%M@M^ 17.6/14.5%M%M'M'Fog>rain>.Dull Wind rising Dry Ni%M%MM^ 16.4/11.7%M %M &M 'Gale brief showers Occ sun 10-15%M %M @M^ 15.2/10.8%M%Mn#M'Cloudy patchy sun 08-16.30 VW%M%MM^ 14.1/12.2%M%M!M'V windy O'cast Brief shower%M%MM^ 12.2/9.1%M%M$M'O.cast some drizzle less windy(bM!E@ !'MM MMMP(bM"`L@ "(MM MMMP%M$,%M%Q$%M&)%M'Q%M(&%M)%M*Q#%M+%M,%M-%M/Q%N%NN^ 24.5/13.9%N%N4 N'Clear sky Sunny 0730-22.00%N%N@N^ 16.4/14.0%N @%N _&N 'Gale brief showers Occ sun 10-13%N %N N^ 14.8/10/0%NR%N#N'Brief sun early>heavy cloud W%N%NN^ 14.9/13.7%N%N'N'O'cast V windy occ. light drizzle%N%N@N^ 14.4/11.6%N%N$N'O'cast drizze all day Windier N ^ /0.1(bN! <@ !'NN NNNP(bN"R@ "(NN NNNP%N$Q=%N%"%N&)%N'%N(%%N)A%N*Q%%N+%N,$%N-%O%OO^19.1/10.6%O%OI$O'Lt cloud Sunny from 06.30Windy%O%O@O^ 19.9/14.2%O  %O K"O 'GaleRn>9am Occ sun W drop3pm%O %O O^ 14.2/12.4%O%OO'Mainly cloudy Windy%O%OO^ 15.4/12.9%O%O&O'O'cast V windy br sun night rain%O%OO^ 14.7/12.7(Ox<?Q'%O(O'O'cast drizzle day Less wind Cl nt%O$(bO!-JXߢ4@ !'OO OOOP(bO"gffffS@ "(OO OOOP%O$/%O%%O&1%O'#%O(#%O)%O*&%O+Q"%O,$%O-%P@%PP^22.6/13.0%P%PL$P'Lt cloud, calm, Sunny 06.30>18%P@%PP^ 18.6/14.2%P %P #P 'Br cl <9.30 on. Windy, Br Shs%P @%P P^ 15.8/11.9%P%P{"P'Dull@ !'PP PPPP(bP"gffffU@ "(PP PPPP%P$8%P%@%P&.%P'#%P('%P) P*^15,9%P+Q %P,Q#%P-%Q%QQ^21.1/15.2%Q%Q"Q'Lt cloud/wind Sunny 08.30 on%Q%QQ^ 18.212.5%Q %Q һ%Q '1 Br sh. Br Cl sunny from 09.00%Q %Q Q^ 17.3/10.5%Q%QJQ'Cl & W. Occ sun%Q%QQ^ 15.6/13.7%QQ%Q#Q'Cloudy Occ Sun. Wind dropping%Q%Q@Q^ 14.2/12.4%QR%Q.*Q'dull to11.40 >intermittent sun br cl(bQ!333333@ !'QQ QQQP(bQ"QR@ "(QQ QQQP%Q$4%Q%&%Q&-%Q'Q%Q(Q+%Q)Q%Q*'%Q+Q%Q,#%Q-%R%RR^18.2/15.6%RA%R1%R'Drizzle>rainHazy sun10.30-12.30%R%R@R^ 20.7/10.3%R %R &R 'Lt Cl & WMainly sunny from 07.15%R %R R^ 17.2/11.9%R%Rl#R'O'cast to 11.30>Br sun Less W%R%RR^ 14.4/9.8%R%R R'Lt Rain most of day. Windy%R%RR^ 14.1/12.8%R%R'R'Cloudy dry Brief sun. Wind rising(bR!fffffB@ !'RR RRRP(bR"(\M@ "(RR RRRP%R$-%R%'%R&3%R'%R(+%R)%R*Q%%R+Q"%R,Q#%R- %S%SS^ 20.6/17.0%S%S9&S'Fog>dull occ brief sunny periods%S%SS^ 21.2/12.0%S %S )S 'Clear skies Lt winds Fog on horizon%S %S S^ 16.6/10.6%S@%S%S'BrCl 10.00.Lt wind night Shower%S%S@S^ 11.1/6.4%S%S#S'Wet n 'orrible Gales to 60mph%S%SS^ 13.7/9.7%S%S(S'Shortest day Windy dull Rain night(bS!<@ !'SS SSSP(bS"33333J@ "(SS SSSP%S$3%S%@%S&5%S'%S()%S)%S*%S+%S,Q"%S-Q%T@%TT^ 20.0/16.6%T%TR8'T'Mainly sunny Br C l Lt winds/calm%T@%TAT^ 17.0/12.6%T %T R"&T 'Overcast Windy Patchy sun 13.50<%T @%T T^ 14.9/12.2%T%T!T'Heavy Cl, Light rain & wind%T@%TT^ 9.4/6.9%TQ%T@&T'Gales Patchy sun. Cold. Cl night%T@%T T'Away to 29th(bT!-@ !'TT TTTP(bT"333333S@ "(TT TTTP%T$@%T%)%T&@%T'%T(Q%%T)%T*%T+%U%UU^ 26.5/15.1%U%U$U'Sun to 15.00 Lt Wind>Rain18.00%U%U@U' 16.6/12.4%U %U 'U 'Br cl Brief heavy Sh mainly sunny%U %U U^'Mainly O'cast. Oc sun Lt Sh & W%U%U@U^ 11.1/6.7%U%Uv$U'Broken cloud vbrief sh.No wind%U%U(bU!D@ !'UU UUUP(bU"ףp= J@ "(UU UUUP%U$QB%U%%%U&)%U'%U(&%U)%U*%U+Q%V%VV^ 20.3/14.6%V%V*V'Rain to 10 Br cl to 16>dull> Lt rain%V%V@V^ 17.8/13.4%V %V $V 'Solstice Mainly sunny. V Windy%V %V V^ 14.6/12.3%V%V!V'Heavy overcast. Light winds%V%V@V^ 11.6/5.9%V%VRB&V'Broken clloud patchy sun drizzle%V%V (bV!L8@ !'VV VVVP(bV"(\R@ "(VV VVVP%V$2%V%$%V&,%V'!%V($%V)%V*%V+%W%WW^ 17.0/14.5%W%W)W'Dull Lt rain Brief sun 12.00 V Wind%W%WW^ 17.7'13.6%W %W W 'Br Cl Brief shower Windy%W %W W^ 16.6/9.4%WQ%WR#W'Brief sh Overcast Light Winds%W%WW^ 12.4/11.2%W%W W'Mainly O-cast. Wind rising%W%W (bW!33333D@ !'WW WWWP(bW")\E@ "(WW WWWP%W$@%W%Q$%W&Q,%W'"%W()%W)%W*%W+%X@%XX^18.8/15.0%X%XR;(X'Overcast Lt rain>15.45 Int SVwindy%X@%XX^ 19.7/11.3%X %X %X 'ClBr cloud V windy%Y%YY^ 19.8/12.4%Y %Y ҡ&Y 'Sun7.30-10,Clocc. 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"MS Sans Serif<$v@'vf-2 lHighest daily figures are in red, Lowest in green type. Where a zero occurs in any column it is not coloured                                "Arial'vH a<$v@'vf-o2 DEAlderney Weather 2015 reduced range of daily records at Platte Saline                  L-^Lr-"Arial'vJ pa<$v@'vf- 2 42015 "MS Sans Serif<$v@'vf-2 /= ],L January  2 /February   '2 /4MarchAprilMayJuneJuly ( m m   -2 M DayBaroTempRainSunNotesDayBaroTempRainSunNotesDayBaroTempRainSunNotesDayBaroTempRainSunNotesDayBaroTempRainSunNotesDayBaroTempRainSunNotesDayBaroTempRainSunNotes 8 2 3 /  ) 2 3 /  ~ ) 2 3 / z  t 3 < = C  ~ . 7 = C  ~ . 7 = C a  V 3 7 3 / p  2 aMonthHighestHigh/LowdaydayMonthHighestHigh/LowdaydayMonthHighestHigh/LowdaydayMonthHighestHigh/LowdaydayMonthHighestHigh/LowdaydayMonthHighestHigh/LowdaydayMonthHighestHigh/Lowdayday %     * 3 2      * 3       * 3       4 G (      4 G (      4 G      * 3 2 utwMbTemp Cmm hoursMbTemp Cmm hoursMbTemp Cmm hoursMbTemp Cmm hoursMbTemp Cmm hoursMbTemp Cmm hoursMbTemp Cmm hoursh .  -. u .  -. a .  -. W 8  7B p 3  7B p 3  7B   3  -.   2 uuHighLowHighLow  B D  B  "MS Sans Serif<$v@'vf- 2 )1 .2 k102912.70.50.57Mainly dull 8 > 5    2 1 2  10178.6/3.4 1    2 0.53Br Cl, windy @}     2 1  - 2 C1003  -2 {10.4/8.2    2 56F 2 a Patchy sun 2 ^11034= 2 11.4/7.4    2 ]010.19J  2  Sunny, Vwindy    2 16 2  rain  2 16  - 2 1009  -2  17.8/10.4n    2 ~ 3.57.52 I  2  RainVWS8.30d    2 16 2 1020  -2 T 28.7/16.2n     -2 0.29.80 5  2 /Br cl>173.3012.00>sun FMn     2 v 15.111.822.9 D D   - 2 11.7   - 2 )36  - 2 k1034  -!2 13.450.20OcastFMn E;     2 36 2  10286.8/2.19 1    %2 1.54Lt snow, sun FMn @j   2 310303 2 {9.1/5.96    2 0.28.5 9  2 a Lt cl. Sunny  2 ^31024= 2 12.4/8.9     - 2 V8.52   - 2 5.75  2 Sun10.30on Windy     2 36 2  rain 2 310288 2  18.1/15.4n    2 015.1O  2  Sunny Lt W   2 36 '2 102024.1/ -   + 0  *2 /Sun to 18.00>trace rain       2 v18.115.424.114.2 D D D  p "  p  2 )46 '2 k103210.200.00Overcast 8 E;     2 46 2 1025  -2 -7.8/0.49     -2  23.5Cl Vwindy? ~    2 46  - 2 C1041  -2 {13.1/2.7    2 09.5?  2 aSun win  2 ^41027=  -2 11.9/5.3     -2 ]04.91O  2 S10-15 ClearFMn2     '2 4Rain total to 4.5.158        - 2 7.49   -2  Full MoonW  2 410198  -2  23.3/8.1     -2 ~ 0.814.09 D  2 Wup sun to19.0   2 46 '2 102222.7/ -   + 0  -2 /Sun 05.40-18.00 Lt cl & wl        2 v23.3   - 2 8.13   -2 *22.714.8 D   2 )56 -2 k102210.40.40.00Ocast FMnl 8 > 5  }    2 56 2 1018  -2 -7.2/0.48     -2  07FMn VWindyFz   2 510393 2 {11.7/5.6    2 0103A 2 a Clear skiesy   2 ^51031= 2 15.3/5.4    2 ]012.57J  %2 Clearskies lightwind      2 510148 2 q 13.4/8.4    2 04.3S  2  V.windy4   2 510288 2  17.6/11.6W    2 010.83J  2 Sunny from 10.00    2 56 '2 102422.1/ -   + 0  (2 /Sun from 09.30.Lt wind       2 v17.611.622.114 D D J  2 )66 .2 k102810.80.44.64Br cloud Mo 8 > 5  |    2 66 2  10257.1/4.7y 1    2  06BrCL WindyF|   2 610293 2 {12.6/5.5    2 0102A 2 a Clear skiesy    2 ^66  - 2 1038  -2 15.5/5.4    2 ]0138U %2 Clearskies lightwind      2 66  - 2 4 1008  -2 q 13.8/7.9    2 012.6O  2  Sunny 2 610348 2  17.6/10.9W    2 013.78J  2 Clear sky>18.45    2 66 '2 101627.7/ -   + 0  %2 /Mainly sunny Lt Wind   2 v17.610.927.716.2 D D D  02 )7102111.60.24.96Sunny a.m.7B 8 > 5     } 2  10398.2/4.7y 1    2 05F !2 NPa sun windy71024   n3 2 {11.7/5.7    2 010.6;  2 a Mainly clear  2 ^71035= 2 17.0/7.4    2 ]012.95J  %2 Clearskies lightwind      2  710168 2 q 15.9/9.9    2  0.51   - 2 @ 16.9   -!2  light cloud, calm     2  75  - 2  1036  -2  19.4/11.7W    2  05  -2  15.76   -2  95%Sun Windy    2 75 '2  101520.5/14.90.610.60 -   + 0  -2 /Driz wind,Sun 9-20.00>Th o       2 v19.411.720.514.9 D D D   2 )85 .2 k102612.512.64.60HSh Sun pm 8 : 0  z   2 85 2  10379.8/4.7y 1    2 06F !2 PBr Cl. Windy81027   q3 2 {11.7/5.7    2 05F 2 a Mainly dully  2 ^81028= 2 18.9/7.8    2 ]013.05J  %2 Clearskies lightwind      2  810198 2 q 17.9/11.3W    2  07.82O  2  Br cloud   2  85 2  1032 2  20.0/10.7W    2  015.24J  "2 Mainly clear windy     2 85 '2  102519.1/ -   + 0  02 /Sunny V. windy, trace rain       2 |2010.719.114.2 K D D   2 ))95 02 )k102113.21.20.2V windy drizz 8 > 9 }     2 )95 2 ) 10339.8/5.3y 1    2 ) 05Pasun windyF{   2 )910303 2 ){10.4/8.2    2 )0.050  ; 2 )a Dull Lt WW  2 )^91020= 2 )19.4/8.9    2 )]011.6O  %2 )Sunny to 16.>misty    2 ) 910248 2 )q 18.1/11.4W    2 ) 08.5S  2 ) Br cloud   2 ) 910288 2 ) 19.3/10.7W    2 ) 014.63J  $2 )Mainly clear, Gales     2 )95 !2 ) 102421.9./12.70.0y +   )   -2 )15.56   -!2 )/Sunny, less windyy    2 )v19.310.721.912.7 D D D   2 =$10 2 =k1027  -2 =13.815.5 :   -2 =T0.80V windy BrSh  w      2 =10 2 = 10256.5/5.3d 1    2 = 00Ocast windyF|    2 = 101028 /  -2 ={13.7/8.1     - 2 =06F 2 =a Br Cl/SunW   2 =Y101028 9 2 = 18.0/10.2W    2 =]011.96J  "2 =Mostlysunny ltWind  2 = 101021 4 2 =q 18.2/11.8W    2 = 09.8S  2 = Overcast   2 = 101019 4 2 = 19.9/11.9W    2 = 37.98O  %2 =Gale S9.5/17.8 R23        2 =10 (2 = 102026.6./ +   ) 0  -2 =/Sun to 17.00>cloudy windym        2 =v19.911.926.614.4 D D D   2 Q$11 2 Qk 101911.40W 8 E  - 2 QT8.50   -2 Q V windy BrCl      2 Q11 2 Q 10218.0/4.6l 1    2 Q 02Cloudy Lt WF|    2 Q 111026 / 2 Q{11.9/6.7    2 Q02.5?  2 Qa Thin fog/sun  2 QY111029 9 2 Q13.1/6.5    2 Q]010.14J  $2 QSunny 09.30>lt wind     2 Q 111021 4 2 Qq 16.1/10.1W    2 Q 07.51O  2 Q Sun & fog pm    2 Q 11  - 2 Q 1009  -2 Q 23.0/13.7W     - 2 Q~ 9.59   - 2 Q 7.39  "2 QT&LG sun 9.30-1650    2 Q11 (2 Q 102321.0./ +   ) 0  -2 Q/Mainly sunny to 20.30Lt Wm    2 Q| 2313.72115.6 K J K   2 e$12 .2 ek101712.2200.05V windy rain 8 @ 7  {    72 e 1210069.1/4.905Pa sun calm121021 / 1   ;F|  r / 2 e{17,47.6   2 e14F 2 ea Thin cloud   2 eY121031 9 2 e15.4/7.8    2 e]04  -2 e13.26   -"2 eSunny>18.40 Ltwind      2 e 121023 4  -2 eq 16.2/6.1     -2 e 012.73J  2 e Sun from0800  2 e 121018 4 2 e 16.8/12.7d    2 e 70.37O  !2 eTLCalm rain cloudd     2 e12 '2 e 102018,9./ +   ) 5  .2 e/Cloud mist rain> Sun 12.30         2 ev16.812.718.915.7 D D D   2 y$13 02 yk102911.13.53.41V windy rain 8 > 5  {     2 y13  - 2 y9983  -2 y)10.4/6.7     - 2 y15.5   -2 y3.5Drizz <11.007 t   2 y 131029 / 2 y{8.4/5.0    2 y1405 B 2 ya Rain to 1500   2 yY131029 9 2 y17.7/8.0    2 y]03  - 2 y9.44   -2 yFog 10.00> LtW    2 y 131012 4  -2 yq 19.4/6.1     -2 y 17.57O  2 y Overcast 14.00     2 y 131016 4 2 y 19.3/12.4d    2 y 012.99J  !2 ySun from 08. W ltd    2 y13 2 y 102120.2/18.70.2 -   +  2 y4.25  *2 y/Cloud, windy Sun 11.20<        2 yv 19.312.420.2 D D   - 2 y18.7   - 2 $14 2 k100811.7 8   - 2 15.5   -2 T1.35V windy rain  {     2 14 2  10119.4/6.12 1    2 21Overcast, WiFz   2  141027 / 2 {10.4/4.6    2 0.24.8 9  2 a Sun to 11.30    2 Y141020 9 2 18.4/9/1    2 ]013.5O  2 Thin cl 99% Sun   2  141020 4 2 q 15.4/9.6    2  4.57.4 M  2  Rain to 11.00    2  141021 4 2  21.1/12.6d    2  013.81J  "2 sun from 6.30.W lt    2 14 '2  102119.9./ +   ) 5  +2 /Cly Windy Sun10.15-16.00       2 v21.112.619.915.8 D D D   2 $15 -2 k100110.144.19V wind.dr.ha0 8 E;  z     2 15 2 1016  -2 )13.2/5.5     -2 0.57Clear, calm8 @    2  151021 / 2 {10.7/4.9    2 1.51.5 9  2 a Dull, windy0   2 Y151019 9  -2  22.4/10.1d     -2 ]012.67J  $2 Mostly sun Lt cloud0    2  151027 4 2 q 16.6/10.6d    2  0106U 2  Sun 1100-set   2  151028 4 2  20.5/12.6d    2  015.04J  2 Sunny, Lt Winds8    2 15 %2  101919.4/ -   + 5  .2 /Fg driz Sun 10.50-15.30 Fg        2 v 20.512.619.4 D D  2 14.7   2 $16 .2 k101110.102.80windy, cloudy 8 E;  x     2 16 2  10369.2/6.14 1    "2 7.21Drizzle,br sun @x   2  161021 / 2 {13.1/4.2    2 05.6?  2 aHazy sun  2 Y16  - 2 1016  -2  18.9/10.5d    2 ]011.66J  2 Patchy Cl, Sunny    2  16  - 2 4 1032  -2 q 17.1/9.9    2  0122U 2  Fog Sun09-21    2  161030 4 2  20.8/13.1d    2  014.6O  2 Lt cloud & winds       2 16 '2  101523.6/ -   + 0  12 /Fg in/out. int Sun 09< windy      2 v20.813.123.615.3 D D D   2 $17 .2 k101510.5220.46FR hSh br cl 8 @ 7  {    2 17  - 2 1040  -2 )10.4/1.9    !2 0.27Clear sl windn @z    2  171031 / 2 { 11.32/7.5d    2 06F 2 a Thin fog haze    2 Y171024 9 2 14.8/9.0    2 ]112.7O  !2 Shower. Sun 10-16n     2  171024 4 2 q 15.5/10.6d    2  015.U 2  Sun 100% Wyz  2  171028 4 2  17.9/13.2d    2 ~ 0.59.6 M  "2 Sun to 15.00>cloud      2 17 '2  102121.1/ -   + 0  +2 /Mist-8.30 br cloud.windy        2 v 17.913.221.1 D D  2 12.4   2 $18 02 k10197.12.11.50Ocast drizzley < C 5  y    2 18 2  102710.6/1.9 -    2 07.2Br Cl, sunny? w  2  181032 / 2 {12./5.6   2 08.5?  2 aSun thin cloud   2 Y18181014  4 2 q 13.1/9.1    2  2.58 T 2  LtR to 11.30Wy     2  181026 4 2  20.4/12.6d    2  011.11J  "2 Fog to 10.00>sunny     2 18 %2  101321.0/ -   + 5  .2 /Sunny > 15,40Cloud Lt Wind        2 v20.412.620.913.3 D D D   2 $19 12 k100913.40.50.00Ocast drizzle 8 > 5  y    2 19 2  10089.3/6.39 1    (2 12.55.5S to 13,drizzle 4 o     2  191029 / 2 {9.6/6.8    2 00F 2 a Overcast dull    2 Y 19on holiday *   2 Rain to 1.5.15     2  191017 4 2 q 13.9/9.2    2  112.21J  2  Bro cld.1 shower     2  191027 4 2  20.4/12.6d    2  00  -2  15.76   -2 100%sun. vLt Wir   2 19 %2  101421.4/ -   + 5  -2 /Fog fogl    2 - 221019 4 2 - 16.7/12.4d    2 - 34.71O  %2 -Lt rain fog, brsun16     2 -22 '2 - 102322.1/14.11.511.99 -   + 0  02 -/Sunny to 16.00. Lt Cl &winde        2 -v16.712.422.114.1 D D D   2 A$23 2 Ak1027 2 A11.4/0.4    $2 A2.47.00Mainly sunny9 5  z  2 A23 2 A 10069.1/3.74 1    2 A4.54Sun/Hail.VVW @u   2 A 231015 / 2 A{11.1/3.2    2 A0.21 @ 2 AaOvercast, dull    2 AY23231028  4  -2 Aq 21.8/114    -2 A 012.04J  "2 A Calm Sun from 8.30      2 A 231025 4 2 A 21.6/11.1d    2 A 015.38J  $2 ASun to 20.30 Lt win9       2 A23 '2 A 101323.1/ -   + 0  (2 A/Sunny 07.30 5    2 U24 2 U 10169.9/7.64 1    2 U 48.5Sunny, VW? z  2 U 241014 / 2 U{ 12.2/2/.2d    2 U1.60.2 9  2 UaBrCl Calm Sunny1     2 UY24241023  4 2 Uq 15.4/11.1d    2 U 09.25O  2 U Lt W Sun to15.15    2 U 241025 4 2 U 23.8/10.6d    2 U 012.12J  $2 USun to 17.40>cloudyl       2 U24 2 U  101618.2/13.2 -     - 2 U24.2   - 2 U0.17  02 U/Storm T&L Cloudy Very windye          2 Uv23.810.618.213.2 D D D   2 i$25 2 ik1027  -2 i 9.65/ 0.1d     -2 i0.26.40 sun/ 1sh 5    2 i25 2 i 101811.7/9.7 -    2 i0.27    2 i10.5   2 iP Br Cl, sun W  2 i 251005 / 2 i{11.7/6.1    2 i55  - 2 i,10.8   -2 iaSunny, Br cloudh    2 iY25251025  4 2 iq 17/11.15   2 i 07.91O  "2 i Sun 7.30-15.10>dul     2 i 251022 4 2 i 26.1/11.1d    2 i 015.08J  2 i Sunny Lt wind    2 i25 '2 i 102020.1/ -   + 0  $2 i/Mainly sunny. Windy6  2 iv26. D D D   2 }$26 62 }k10149.7/ brief sh1 1   4 5  |   2 }26 2 } 102310.6/6.2 -    2 }40Drizzle/ dull8F   2 } 261021 / 2 }{13.2/8.2    2 }09.8?  2 }a Mainly sunny 2 }Y26261029  4 2 }q 18/9.1   2 } 014.85J  2 } Sunny/Br Cld    2 } 261027 4 2 } 20.1/11.4d    2 } 09.72O  !2 }Sun 08-18, Cloudyl       2 }26 '2 } 102319.5/ -   ' 0  .2 }/Rain Windy, Th Sun14.30-16       2 }v20.111.419.513.2 D D D   2 $27 %2 k100611.411.50drizzle 8 E;   2 27 2  101310.1/6.8 -    %2 0.18.5Br cl Lt W Sun 9 o   2  271020 / 2 {11.6/8.9    2 2.58.139 5  "2 aSunny to 15 Driz    2 Y27271019  4 2 q 19.1/12.0d    2  014.09J  2  Mainly sunny 2  271025 4 2  21.4/10.6d    2  012.63J  "2 Sunt0 17.00>cloudy       2 27  - 2  1012  -2 T18.2/   + 5  -2 /Shrs V windy Broken Cloud6          2 v20.614.118.214.6 D D D   2 $28  - 2 p9802  -(2, windy C 5  y     2 28 2  100310.4/9.4 -    "2 5.64.6Br cl. W sun 9 w 2  281016 / 2 { 11.8/10.1d    2 2.51.82 5  2 a Fog>sun>rain   2 Y28281021  4 2 q 16.4/10.9d    2  012.7O  2  Lt Cl Sunny<7.45     2  281024 4 2  20.6/14.1d    2  011.85J  '2 Mainly sun to 18> clo    2 28 '2  101518.1/ -   + 0  *2 /Br cloud 10.00< V windy        2 v20.614.2 D   - 2 *18.1   - 2 14.2   2 $29 .2 p98210.15.22.00VVWind sunpm < > 5  o   2  291021 / 2 {11.4/8.6    2 20F 2 aDull damp windy5    2 Y29291016  4 2 q 14.4/117   2  35.65O  !2  VW rain sun<16.10n    2  291023 4 2  26.4/16.1d    2  013.71J  '2 Fog to 08 5   2  301023 / 2 {11.8/9.4    2 16.54;  2 aSun -11 V windy9     2 Y30301011  4 2 q 15.8/11.1d    2  1.712.35 D  2  Lt W,Sun to17.30    2  301013 4  -2  28.9/16.6d     -2 ~ 0.612.71 D  !2 Sun to 17.40> T&Ln     2 30 '2  102221.2/ -   + 0  .2 /Lt Cl Sunny Wind dropping        -2 v28.916.6 D   -2 *21.212.6 D   2 $31 .2 k100110.22.54.00Windy Br Cl 8 > 5  |   2  311023 / 2 {11.2/7.5    2 011.186  2 aSunny from 08.00    2  311019 4 2 q 15.1/11.0d    2  36.85O  2  Rain Sun12.30<    2 31 (2  102025.6/14..50.014.86 +   ) 0  .2 /Thin cloud sunnyFMn (Blue)       -2 q25.60   - 2 14.5  2 %25.60  2 14.5   2 Daily -2 ]Highest  42 High/LowTotalTotalTotal y.t.d   %  $  t    2 Highest  2 !High/LowTotalTotalTotal y.t.dHighestHigh/LowTotalTotalTotal y.t.dHighestHigh/LowTotalTotalTotal y.t.dHighestHigh/LowTotalTotalTotal y.t.d   %  $  j        %  $  `        /  8  t        /  8  t    2  Highest  42  High/LowTotalTotalTotal y.t.d   /  8  G    -2 HighestHigh/LowTotalTotal)     %  $  2 p Total y.t.d    "2  Highest28.9028.70  )   2  Tot rain1034  ) 2 13.8/0.1    $2  125.786.38125.710405 '   2 13.2/0.4    "2 87.7133.3213.41041 +   2 {13.7/1.4    '2 43.25164.47256.651038  #  n  2 22.4/6.5    $2 R10.5188.46267.210323 ;   2 q 13.4/6.1    $2  24.6281.08291.810363 ;   2  26.1/8.1    @2 z &30.4345.31322.2102728.7/11.763.9313.46 ;  Y  -   ' '  2 386.1  2  Averaged  %2 q20.7112.5121.9414.50  ;  ;  ;  L2 .Tot sun86.4219.68384.15572.61853.691199.001012   M  0  l  l  :   - 2 0.17   -2 x1512.461  2 tJuneJuneJulyJuly = @ C  -2 1Maximum1    2 1kd103413.8125.78.58.510400.087.710.510410.038.311.2103808.513.5103207.416.9103609.5015.7600.024.215.56 8 5 0   < ? 0 c < ? 0 Y MS I r HS I r HO  ?  ,N ? +   2 EMinimum1    a2 Ep<9800009980001005000000.04.910004.02100900.000.0310120.1728.9 GPF GPFn CPFrZS I  UZO  r HO  D  "  f  2 E 16.628.718.7 D D  lYlY 2 Y Mean Barod     2 Yk1016  2 Y XlMean Bar/temp    2 Y1019015.510.50 CE 0   2 Y X4lMean Baro    2 YC1023ERR1 c  2 Y> GXlMean Baro    2 Y 102708.513.50B MS I   2 Y  X lMean Baro    2 Y4 102107.416.90B HS I   2 Yp y X lMean Baro    2 Y 102409.515.760 HS D  n  2 Y XlMean Baro    2 Y  1020015.1d j  2 Y D D   -p2 m FTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotalTotal  $    $    $    8    8    8    $   - 2 mv20.4  2 m 12.521.714.5 D D  \\ ,2 zTotals, where relevant        -2   125.786.38 '   C2 (Note; due to States WeaSta out of action              c2 =87.7133.338.25158.4710.5188.4624.6281.0830.40345.3163.9313.46 +   #   ;   ;    7   '  -2  2015 figures    "2 k103413.8125.786.38 8 5 '  -E2 )rainfall figures are 24hrs to about 06.30             -!2 104013.287.7133.38 8 : +  2 Very windy month     2  2014 figures    2 k102322.8 8   2   125.285.88 ,   -02 next day from Sepember 2014e      -2 g101712.3204.6131.317.257.4251.6102816.850.2289.66103522.199.1351.1102822.615.80416.59102826.115.8416.59 8 5 '  : + U B D ;  i = D ? n = ?  7   = : '   2  20-year avg.     %2 k101924.287.266.31040 8 : 0 w 2 412.6  2 \87.266.3103715.252.8146.3103715.252.8146.3103121.945.8252.596415,442.40269.00103124.242.4269 0 c 8 : + U B D ? n = D ? s C =  7   = : 2  2  (1996-2015).   2 JanuaryFebruaryh  C   2 Month  2 eHighestHighestRainSunHighestHighestRainSunshineHighestHighestRainSunshineHighestHighestRainSunshineHighestHighestRainSunshineHighestHighestRainSunshineHighestHighestRainSunshine      ) 1 p      )  K      )  A   )   3 2 Z   $   3 2 Z   $   3 2     $   )     F . .32 tMbTemp Cmm. hoursMbTemp Cmm 0 0 / v 0 0 2   Equiv. hours  2 L MbTemp Cmm. 0 0 2  h Equiv. hours  2 PMbTemp CmmEquiv. hoursMbTemp CmmEquiv. hoursMbTemp CmmEquiv. hoursMbTemp Cmm : : 0  ] 5 : 0  ] 5 : 0    5 0 2  6 Equiv. hours   2 Highest8    2 R28.8175.5311.9175.812517.7175.512520.5145.4289.223.5175.6311.9110.30354.00110.3354 5 '  .  5 .  ? ;  ? ;   2   .   2 !Year  y2 !L2012200119642001198019992000198019941998.02006201020011989198320091983.02009 5 +  +  5 +  9 8  ? ?  ?  $  2 5Lowest  i2 5A0.07143.  +  5   5  D $ D  D  ;  q > 0    2 IYear  =2 I $198919741998198519771990.01985.01977 + ? ? o ( $ 44FF"Arial'vS c<$v@'vf- a2 B<Alderney Weather 2015 reduced daily records at Platte Saline  "          ^r6H  z ^  `  - 2 2015 -2 A ] August - 2 2015 -42 yr September    !2  October8  '2 H November  (2   December  2  Highest8 .2 % _   Year totals    z   ^  2  in year8 ***H-2 mBaroTempRainSunu 2 3 / "MS Sans Serif<$v@'vf- 2 Notes  -2 BaroTempRainSunu 2 3 / - 2 eNotes  -o2 EDayBaroTempRainSunNotesDayBaroTempRainSunNotesDayBaroTempRainSunNotes ) 2 3 / z  t 3 < = C  ~ . 7 = C   2 | High &    2  BaroTempRainSunu 7 = C  2  Day in Month     2 +bxHighestHigh/LowdaydayHighestHigh/LowdaydayMonthHighestHigh/LowdaydayMonthHighestHigh/LowdaydayMonthHighestHigh/Lowdayday     * 3 n     * 3       * 3       4 G (      4 G  2 +} Low in   +2 + High/LowHigh/Lowmm hours      4B   (2 +AugustSeptemberOctober `   T  2 +NovemberDecember  k   2 +Year  2 ?`MonthMbTempCmm hoursMbTempCmm hoursMbTempCmm hoursMbTempCmm hoursMbTempCmm hoursDecMbTemp C 7 0  /. u 0  /. a 0  /. W =  <B p 5  9B & 5 3    2 ? Temperatureh     O2 ?0HighLowHighLowHighLowHighLowHighLowHighestLowest  3 ?  8 0  t  B D  B 9  %  - 2 S)11 2 Sk102120.8/12.60 (   2  -2 SO13.92   -92 S!Mainly clear skies Lt winds Sunny        2 S11 %2 S1023 20.0/14.7011.07 &   06  +2 SPatchy sun. Lt Cl Windy     2 S11  - 2 SC1030  -2 S 19.4/   ) 9  02 SaIntermittent sun Very windym       2 S^11 2 S1024  -2 S 19.1/11.3     - 2 SV0.04   - 2 S8.46   -62 SClear skies. Sun from 07.50 LtWe        *2 S 11026`14.6/ +   .  D  62 S O'cast V.windy Brief sun Rghseae          - 2 S only   2 S 10419.7079.92  ?   - 2 S20.8  2 S12.620.0 ?   - 2 S14.7   - 2 S19.4  2 S18  - 2 S19.1   -2 Sv 11.314.612.8 D D   2 g)28 2 gk1015  -2 g 30.5/15.33     -2 g014.116  02 gLt overcast12 Lt Wind Clnight         2 {38 '2 {1020 17.9/ &   ) 5  92 {!Drizzle, Br cl Sun 09.45-16.30>cl         2 {38 '2 {C1028 18.9/ &   ) 5  12 {aHazy cloud. Calm early>windy         2 {^38 (2 {1023 15.1/ .   1 I  62 {O'cast fog Lt drizzle. Lt windsd         '2 { 3103014.3/9.61.400.018 2   5  D  .2 { Mainly O'cast. Wind rising      -2 {u 31.4062.72  ;   - 2 {21.1  2 {1517.912.618.9 F : 0  2 {10.115.1   2 {v 12.614.39.66 D H   2 )48 %2 k100921.2/ (   + 5  42 Windy. Sun 6.15-17> ocast driz        2 410233 2   18.9/12.66    2 07.08;  (2 Br Cl 9.45-17.00 Windy        2 48 '2 C1028 16.8/ &   ) 5  ;2 a aFOvercast sun 8-9 & 10-13.R 19.00           2 ^48 '2 1015 15.1/ 0   3 I  62 O'cast Lt drizzle/dull Lt winds         *2  41027 13.7/11,11.002.898 +   /  D  62  Br Cl. Patchy sun 09-14.00 1 Sh         -2 u 15.1068.48  ;   -2 21.214.7 5  2 f18.9  2 12.616.8 0  2 13.115.1   2 v 13.313.711.1 D D   2 )58 $2 k101621.1/ (   + 9  32 Br Cl Int sun >TLR shrs windy      2 58 '2 1029 19.7/ &   ) 5  12 1Sh.Br Cl 10-19.00. Lt Winds         2 58  - 2 C1005  -2  17.0/13.28     - 2 8.05   - 2 ,0.00  62 aO'cast Mainly showers. V windy        2 ^58 '2 1017 15.6/ 0   3 I  62 Cloudy, Breezy Occ drizzle mild          $2  51019 13.5/11.30.1008 +   /  2 @ 0.00  62  O'cast, Windy Rough sea Tr rain         -2 u 19.9070.70  ;   -2 21.114.7 5  2 f19.7  2 13.617.0 0  2 13.215.6   2 v 13.613.511.3 D D   2 )68 $2 k102523.8/11.3012.640 (   26  62 Lt Cl>clear06.55 Sunny Lt winds           2 68 2 1031  -2 " 20.9/10.4     -2 012.376  62 D to 10.10>Mainly sunny to19.10      2 68  - 2 C1005  -!2  17.0/   ) 5  92 a!ShrBrisf sunny intervals. V windyR        2 ^68 '2 1021 17.1/ 0   3 I  42 Showers Cloudy V. windy No sun         2  610258  -2 z 14.7/12.6     -2  0.000.29  D  62  Mainly cloudy Litlle less windy        - 2  14.7   2 z 9.90101.33  ;   -%2 23.811.320.910.417.7 5 ? : 0  2 13.417.1   2 v13.9   - 2 14.7   - 2 *12.6  2 )71020B 2  22.5/11.33    2 010.216  62 Dull>Clear skies Lt Winds Sunny        2 78 %2 1029 19.9/10.5012.37 &   06  72  Cl sky Unbroken sun. Lt win rise        2 78  - 2 C1005  -2 { 16.8/13.4    2 0.54.04 5  12 aBr sun 8-9, 10-13.00 V windy          2 ^78 '2 1026 17.2/ 0   3 I  62 Cl Oc rain Patchy sun 14.00 Wine      $2  71024 13.8/11.92.0098 +   /   - 2 @ 5.08   -92  !Mainly sunny from 10.10.Lt W riseR       -2 z 4.80110.37  ;   -+2 22.511.319.910.516.818.4 5 ? : 0 v  2 17.1  2 v 14.513.811.9 D D   2 )88  - 2 k1027  -2 23.8/14.8013.06   26  .2 Clear skies Lt Winds Sunny       2 88 $2 1029 20.9/15.307.319 &   0;  72  Br Cl patchy sun 09-19.00 win up        2 88 (2 C1021 16.1/ $   ' 5  42 aO'cast.Ptchy sun 10.30> VWindy        2 ^88 (2 1027 16.7/ .   1 I  02 Cloudy, windy, brief showery         2  88  - 2 4 1036  -!2   14.1/   3  D  72  BrCl>hail>Patchy sun Wind rising        -2 u 15.9089.16  ;   -2 23.514.820.915.3 5 ? :  2 16.1  $2 10.416.711.614.18.99  D D H   2 )98 $2 k102220.7/15.0012.479 (   26  42 Clear sky to 18.15 Wind rising       2 98 $2 1022 22.4/15.609.469 &   0;  32 Clear, sunny 9.30-18.50 Windy        2 98 (2 C1024 19.3/ $   ' 5  32 aMainly sunny from 10.15. Calm      2 ^98 '2 1027 16.0/ 0   3 I  02 Br Cl Sun from 08.30. Windyl       *2  91031 12.6/ +   /  D  12  Cl sky +/-Sunny 09.00<.Windy       -2 z 1.2596.696  ?   -"2 20.71522.415.619.3 ; F : 0  2 10.2  2 16.012.912.610.4 D D D   2 $10 2 k1022 2  19.9/15.69    2 01.79;  .2 Mainly overcast Very windy        2 10 2 1020  -2 " 23.9/15.8     -2 012.1;  -2 Clear sky to 19.00. Windyy       2  10 '2 C1019 17.6/ &   ) 5  42 aO'cast Patchy sun 9.15-15 Lt W        2 Y10 '2 1026 15.1/ 0   3 I  72  Cloudy, Mild, less windySun 09.30-16.V WindyO'cast16.00          -2 /u 35.0071.83  ;   -%2 /21.815.918.913.115.6 5 ? : 0  2 /1215.4  2 /v 13.713.811.2 D D   2 C$13 '2 Ck1008 21.1/ &   ) 5  42 CFog/heavy overcast drizzle day         2 C13 2 C1008 20.7/13.6 &     - 2 C9.89   - 2 C5.35  32 CLt winds>Sun9.50>Rain/W15.15>        2 C 13 '2 CC1024 14.4/ &   ) 5  32 CaCloudy patchy sun 08-15.00 VW         2 CY13  - 2 C1030  -"2 C 16.4/   1 I  42 CGales, 2 Shrs. Sun early&later         2 C 131017 4 2 C  117/8.7   2 C 1.506.33  D  :2 C "Ngt Sh Br Cl/clear. Dry Less windy          -2 Cu 50.0060.21  ;   - 2 C20.1   - 2 C17.3   -2 Cd20.713.8 :   - 2 C14.4   -2 C10.715.4   2 Cv11.411.7 D  2 C.6.74   2 W$14 "2 Wk1013 17.6/14.59.50 &   ) @ 92 W!Fog>rain>.Dull Wind rising Dry Niy         2 W14 $2 W1006 16.4/11.765.463 &   0;  72 W Gale brief showers Occ sun 10-15        2 W 14 '2 WC1021 15.2/ &   ) 5  32 WaCloudy patchy sun 08-16.30 VW         2 WY14 '2 W1020 14.1/ 0   3 I  02 WV windy O'cast Brief showerV        $2 W 141016 12.2/9.12.200 4 0   3  2 W@ 0.00  42 W O.cast some drizzle less windy         -2 Wu 43.7056.75  ;   -2 W17.614.5 5   - 2 Wd16.4   -2 W11.715.2 0  2 W10.8  2 W14.111.412.29.1 D D H   - 2 W0.18   - 2 k$15 %2 kk1019 24.5/13.9012.32 &   06  .2 kClear sky Sunny 0730-22.00      2 k15 $2 k1009 16.4/14.053.822 &   0;  72 k Gale brief showers Occ sun 10-13        2 k 15 '2 kC1023 14.8/10/00.30.71 &   ) 5  32 kaBrief sun early>heavy cloud W        2 kY15 '2 k1014 14.9/ 0   3 I  92 k!O'cast V windy occ. light drizzley         2 k 151021 14.4/11.6 4 +    2 k 12.000.005  @  42 k O'cast drizze all day Windier         -2 k"  /0.128.0572.456 >  ;   -2 k24.513.9 5   - 2 kd16.4   -2 k14.014.8 0  2 k10 2 k14.912.214.411.6 D D D   2 $16 2 k1020  -2  19.1/10.65     -2 013.186  42 Lt cloud Sunny from 06.30Windy         2 16  - 2 1001  -!2 " 19.9/   ) 5  12 GaleRn>9am Occ sun W drop3pm      2  16 (2 C1022 14.2/ $   ' 5  $2 aMainly cloudy Windy0     2 Y16 '2 1011 15.4/ 0   3 I  72  O'cast V windy br sun night rain        2  161019 4  -2 z 14.7/12.7     - 2  1.24  2 @ 0.00  :2  "O'cast drizzle day Less wind Cl nt         - 2  14.7   2 u 20.6476.10  ;   - 2 19.1   - 2 10.6   -+2 d19.914.214.212.415.413.7 : 0 v  D   - 2 14.7   - 2 *12.7   2 $17 $2 k101822.6/13.0013.310 (   26  42 Lt cloud, calm, Sunny 06.30>18        2 17 $2 1008 18.6/14.237.040 &   0;  32 Br cl <9.30 on. Windy, Br Shs        2  17 (2 C1020 15.8/ $   ' 5  12 aDullintermittent sun br cl         -2 z 5.5572.080  ?   -C2 ( 5 ? : 0 v  D D D   2 $19 $2 k102218.2/15.6101.980 (   - 7  62 Drizzle>rainHazy sun10.30-12.30        2 19 %2 1029 20.7/10.3010.95 &   06  72  Lt Cl & WMainly sunny from 07.15       2  19 '2 C1028 17.2/ &   ) 5  32 aO'cast to 11.30>Br sun Less W       2 Y19 2 1015 14.4/9.8 3     - 2 R12.2   - 2 0.00  .2 Lt Rain most of day. Windy       2  19  - 2 4 1012  -"2 z  14.1/   /  D  92  !Cloudy dry Brief sun. Wind risingt         -2 u 37.8059.12  ;   -2  18.215.620.7 5 ?   - 2 10.3   -+2 17.411.914.913.714.112.8 v  D D D   2 $20 $2 k1022 20.6/17.002.283 &   0;  72  Fog>dull occ brief sunny periods       2 20 %2 1020 21.2/12.0011.31 &   06  <2 #Clear skies Lt winds Fog on horizonl           2  20 '2 C1024 16.6/ &   ) 5  62 aBrCl 10.00.Lt wind night Showers           2 Y20 2 1005  -2  11.1/6.42     -2 V7.20.00 I  32 Wet n 'orrible Gales to 60mph        *2  201019 13.7/ 4 0   3  D  :2  "Shortest day Windy dull Rain night         -2 u 28.5053.15  ;   -=2 $20.61721.212.016.610.611.19.813.79.7 ; F : 0 v  H I H   2 $21 2 k1018 2  20.0/16.6    2 012.496  92 !Mainly sunny Br C l Lt winds/calmt        2 21 2 1010 17.0/12.67 &   0  - 2 1.37   -72  Overcast Windy Patchy sun 13.50<       2  21 '2 C1024 14.9/ &   ) 5  02 aHeavy Cl, Light rain & windp        2 Y21  - 2 1003  -2  9.4/   < I  72  Gales Patchy sun. Cold. Cl night       2  210.38 @  -2  Away to 29th     2 u 14.5076.80  ;   -12 2516.617.012.614.912.29.46.4 < ? : 0 v  M   2 $22 2 k1018 26.5/15.1 &     - 2 24  - 2 T8.34  42 Sun to 15.00 Lt Wind>Rain18.00        2 22 2 1025 2  16.6/12.4    2 1.28.56 5  92 !Br cl Brief heavy Sh mainly sunnyt       2  22 '2 C1020 &   ) 5  62 aMainly O'cast. Oc sun Lt Sh & W        2 Y22 %2 1013 11.1/ 5   7 I  42 Broken cloud vbrief sh.No wind          2  22 2 @ 0.00   -2 u 41.7053.68  ;   -2 26.515.116.612.4 5 ? :  2 15.4  2  12.411.16.94  H   2 $23 %2 k1006 20.3/14.6127.52 &   + 7  =2 $Rain to 10 Br cl to 16>dull> Lt rain          2 23 2 1017 17.8/13.404 &   0  - 2 12.6   -42 Solstice Mainly sunny. V Windy      2  23 '2 C1016 14.6/ &   ) 5  02 aHeavy overcast. Light winds4         2 Y23 %2 1017 11.6/ 5   7 I  72  Broken clloud patchy sun drizzle        2  230.38 @   -2 u 24.3074.79  ;   -2 20.314.617.813.4 5 ? :  2 14.6  2  12.311.66.74  H   2 $24  - 2 k1002  -2  17.0/14.5    2 7.50.64 5  <2 #Dull Lt rain Brief sun 12.00 V Windn         2 24 '2 1024 17.7' '   ) 5  +2 Br Cl Brief shower Windy       2  24 %2 C1027 16.6/ +   - 5  32 aBrief sh Overcast Light Winds         2 Y24 '2 1007 12.4/ 0   3 I  .2 Mainly O-cast. Wind rising     2  240.36 @   -2 u 41.9043.57  ;    2 17  - 2 14.5  2 d17.7  2 13.6  2 16.6  2 9.412.4    - 2 z5.96   - 2 3$25 %2 3k100818.8/ (   + 5  :2 3"Overcast Lt rain>15.45 Int SVwindy          2 325 $2 31028 19.7/11.308.147 &   0;  62 3ClBr cloud V windy          2 G26 $2 G1030 19.8/12.406.477 &   0;  72 G Sun7.30-10,Clocc. Light winds        2 G 261.95 @  - 2 G 9807  2 G 98033.5063.65  ;   -72 G 19.814.819.812.419.610.713.711.2 5 ? : 0 v  D   2 [$27 '2 [k1018 18.4/ &   ) 5  62 [Br H Shrs to 13.40>BrCl sun Wnd2        2 [27  - 2 [1035  -2 [" 20.3/13.6    2 [09.64;  72 [ blood mn eclipse. Sun fr 0750 VW          2 [ 27 2 [C1008 15.1/11.9 &    2 [40.07;  12 [aFMn. O'cast Lt rain and wind         2 [Y27 2 [ 1020 12.9/8.7 5    2 [V2.50.11 I  .2 [O'cast drizzle Wind rising      2 [ 278.42 @   -2 [u 14.4077.00  ;   -72 [ 18.414.220.813.615.111.912.911.4 5 ? : 0 v  D   2 o$28 $2 ok1023 20.7/14.605.151 &   0;  -2 oDull windt Br Cl 13.45 ong         2 o28 2 o1034 19.9/13.5 &    2 o011.516  02 oFMn Sky clear Calm>windy>VWd        2 o 28 2 oC1010 16.6/12.0 &    2 o05.05;  62 oaIntermittent sun, Lt winds, dry4        2 oY28 2 o 1015 13.5/8.8 5    2 o]40.89O  .2 oWind 50-60 Occ shs Br sun       2 o 28 2 o@ 0.16  --2 o Highest Baro reading and        2 ou 16.3063.73  ;   -32 o20.714.619.913.516.61213.58.7 5 ? : 0 | H  x   x 2 $291021 > 2  19.9/16.0    2 7.21.11 5  02 FMn Drizzle>rain10-12Windy .        2 29 2 1030 19.6/13.7 &    2 011.256  92 !Clear Sky. Wind to f 7 sea Vroughy           2  29 2 C 1008 15.2/126 (   2 4.50.00 5  62 aO'cast. Occ Light rain Lt Winds4         2 Y29 2 1023 14.2/12.1 0    2 V2.20.00 I  .2 Blustery VBr heavy showers     2  291022 4 2 z 12.7/10.2     - 2  20  - 2 @ 4.72  -C2  (H/L Temps, plus Rain total in my absence              2 u 44.1051.96  ;   -32 19.91619.613.715.312.614.28.8 ; F : 0 v  H   - 2 14.7   - 2 $30 (2 k1015 21.2/16.314.86.49 &   % 0  =2 $Ocast Int Sun 9-15.30>rain from17.00         2 30 "2 1029 19.6/14.108.8 &   0?  72  Br Cl 7.30-15.20. Vwery W Rg sea         2  30 '2 C1009 15.8/ &   ) 5  (2 aO'cast Light Sh. Windy       2 Y30 '2 1027 14.7/ 0   3 I  +2 V windy O'cast Brief sun        2  30 2 4 1016 12.6/6.7 0    2  100.00 K  02  Cloudy, Wet day. Very windy.        - 2  6.77   2 u 31.0068.61  ;   -=2 $21.216.319.614.115.813.214.712.114.2 5 ? : 0 v  D D  2 .6.77  x   x  2 $31 2 k1021 17.9/14.7 &    2 2.51.82 5  ?2 %Lt rain to 15.00>Ocast Patchy sun Win        2  31 '2 C1009 19.9/ &   ) 5  92 a!Mainly clear skies sunny Lt windsy      2  311020 4  -2  12.4/4.21     -2  5.800.38  D  I2  ,Brief heavy shower> intermittent sun V windy            -2 u 13.9047.43  ;   -+2 17.914.719.913.211.912.1 5  v  D   - 2 .4.27   2 ]Highest8  42 High/LowTotalTotalTotal y.t.d   %  $  t    2 Highest8  2 !High/LowTotalTotalTotal y.t.dHighestHigh/LowTotalTotalTotal y.t.dHighestHigh/LowTotalTotalTotal y.t.dHighestHigh/LowTotalTotalTotal for 2015   %  $  j        %  $  `        /  8  t        /  8  h    2  Highest8  2  High/Low    2   Yearlyw  2   Totalsw    C2 (Average Max temp21.118.215.814.213.830.5    &        &2 H+Tot rain1027 26.5/13.0140.4219.1526.51035 23.9/10.441.3252.16567.81030 20.1/8.831.25115.77599.01030 19.1/5.968.149.86667.11036 14.7/4.269.9946.41737.1Average Min temp14.713.   &    '   $   # '  |  +   $  #  r  5   3 ?   0   .  ;       s         $  62 Tot sun1731.61983.72099.52149.4   D 0 l  92  !Unusually warm right across monthy        R2  22195.8737.12195.8Mean daily temp17.915.71412.310.3 l 7 2    y     NANIv(Nʦ @ ` @@ @@@`@@@@`` `@`````` @` @` @` @`@@ @@@`@@@@@ @ @ @@ `@ @ @ @ @@@@ @@@@@`@@@@@@@@@`@` @`@@``@`@`@`@`@@ @@@`@@@@@@ @@@`@@@@@@ @@@`@@@@@@ @@@`@@@@ @` @ ` @@ @@@`@@@@`` `@`````` @` @` @` @` @` @ ` @@ @@@`@@@@`` `@`````` @` @` @`U     '  ) U / U 5z       @ ^ ^ ^ U UU ^ @ 9S UU @S J U ^ @    ^ ^   ^ U      TV U SS @@ U D@ @R @ U] U @U ^@R @ S U ^  U      %U ;Y& ^ D U U[USS@S U^sU  U @ ^ ^R S @S U ^ ^   ^    ^R ] %4+P @R @ @^ ] @R ] U @R '@S U @R ^ض@@  ^ @             ] +  4EU ^U@@ U U  @i@R @@^U UU @@ ^ ^  ^  ^           l t  b e 'B x'%4V 0  l K  $(4  ,b594~I5&                                   @P S  !( ) ,,,, " +                   Wc  Q!( TULVV 6$*9]I<I! 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