Catalogue of Publications
Except for the new book; Ships and Soldiers; a Military and Maritime History of the Island of Alderney, my 2008 work The Wildflowers of Alderney and the updated 1988 Flora of Alderney; a Checklist with Notes, several of my published books are now, unfortunately, out of print but three were reprinted in 2009, see below
However, The Wild Flowers of Alderney (an illustrated version of the 1988 Flora with 650 distribution maps and 842 colour photos) and Channel Island Plant Lore (with 130 woodcut illustrations included), have been converted to digital .html format and are available, to order, on CD-Rom. In addition The Wild and Naturalised Flowers of the Channel Islands, a 500 page MS with about 2000 linked illustrations and a 1,350+ page book; A History of the Island of Alderney, with over 400 illustrations and maps, are also available on CD-Rom. See below.
My address is at the bottom of this page
New books |
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 ISBN 978-1-78155-008-3 |
Ships and Soldiers; a Military and Maritime History of the Island of Alderney;
(2013). A 352 page book 15 x 26cm, published on 1st October 2013 in paper back by Fonthill Media Ltd. with 65 colour plates in a central 32 page block and over 150 half tone maps, charts and photographs in the indexed text.
Published on 1st October 2013.
Price £18.99. Available from good bookshops, Amazon, or, IN ALDERNEY ONLY, from local island stockists. I cannot supply it direct.
This work is distilled from almost 30 years of research by the author at local libraries and official archives, the Learned Societies and Museums in the Channel Islands, the PRO, British Museum and Library, The Bodleian Library and items in the Guernsey Press and other contemporary Guernsey newspapers and magazines since the early 19th century.
There was an unexplained change in the captions to the last 6 colour illustrations after the proofs had been approved. These should all refer to the 1592 wreck and NOT the SS Liverpool. Purchasers OUTSIDE Alderney may care to print the corrections from the text below. All copies sold in Alderney have the correction slip inserted at page 161, opposite the last colour picture.
60 Pistols and muskets and a single copper "Apostle" before conservation. 61 Bar shot from the Elizabethan wreck. The lens cap is two inches in diameter for scale. 62 The first cannon raised from the wreck, still in its concretion, in a transport box for conservation at the York Museum. 63 One of the cannons after conservation, mounted on a replica of a contemporary gun carriage. 64 The first cannon raised from the wreck being landed at the quay. 65 Model of a crew member, c. 1592, in contemporary dress and armaments, in the Alderney Museum. Note the 12 copper "Apostles" in the bandolier, each containing powder for one shot from the musket. |
alderney only2.
 ISBN 978-0-9520707-1-5. |
The Wildflowers of Alderney. (2008). A 258 page, A5, Perfect-bound book, with CHECKLISTS, including the 1,092 flowering plants recorded since 1824, with their distribution on the island, the trees, ferns, mosses, liverworts, lichens and seaweeds, found in the wild on Alderney, its shores and its off-islets. In addition to several articles on the geology, weather, development and recording of the island flora, bryophytes, endangered species found in the islands, the Norman-French names of plants, etc., there are 4 maps, 1 black/white and 86 colour photographs; a large Bibliography of island plant references and a very comprehensive index of the flowering plants including most of their former or earlier names. Available from the Alderney Wildlife Trust shop, the Bookshop, the Museum and some outlets in the other Channel Islands. |
Reprinted books |
ISBN 978-1-84868-361-7. |
. The Island of Dread in the Channel. (2009). A 160 page, B5 Paperback reprintwith the original text and illustrations. The story of the WW II German occupation of Alderney, seen through the eyes of a young Russian slave worker, Georgi Kondakov, as told to the author in a series of letters over several years and the continued story on his return to Alderney in 1990 as a guest of the States of Alderney. . Available only from myself; price £12.99, plus postage and packing charges (where relevant). |
 ISBN 978-0-7524-5215-9. |
Alderney at War. (2009). The story of Alderney and its people from 1939, with its almost complete evacuation in 1940, up to 1949, after their return to the island. Illustrated with contemporary documents and photographs from both German and local official sources and the personal photos of several German soldiers and sailors and some former prisoners who returned to the island for brief visits between 1950 and 1990. Details and photos of a memorial erected by some Polish survivors in 2008, to those comrades who died in the Sylt SS camp have been added to the original hardback version. Now reprinted in B5 format, 188pages, with the original text and illustrations and one new last chapter, by The History Press, price £14.99 March 2015; This is currently out of print again and unlikely to be reprinted for a third time. |
 ISBN 978-1-84868-360-0. |
Alderney From Old Photographs; (2009). Previously published by Alan Sutton as Alderney in Old Photographs. These have now been rescanned and are presented in a B5 sized paperback. This work has been reprinted by Amberley Publishing, as a paperback at £12.99. The new cover and ISBN number are shown here. March 2015; This too is currently out of print again and unlikely to be reprinted for a third time. |
Books still available |
Local Natural History . |
 ISBN 0-902550-52-7 |
. Channel Island Plant Lore. (1993) . 210 x 147mm. Perfect bound, 72pp. With 30 16th Century woodcut illustrations from Thomas Johnson's 1633 Edition of John Gerard's The Herbal or the General History of Plants first published in 1597. Local legends, customs, medicinal uses, superstitions and beliefs, Norman-French names, etc., are included. Out of print since 2000. Now only available on CD-Rom at £10 plus p&p as above for the CD version of A Very Wild Island, but can be added to either of the other flora CDs for an additional £5, see below. This version contains many woodcut scans not included in the printed version. Illustration; Cover of book with Duckweed woodcut from The Herbal. . |
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ISBN 0-902550-55-1 |
. Out and About in Alderney. (1995) . 196 x 127mm. Perfect bound, 160 pp. Illustrations; 38 colour, 89 half-tone, 16 maps. A Guide to Alderney's History & Natural History in the form of 15 walks and a car drive, covering most of the island. Colour photos, maps and some b/w illustrations by the author. Out of print and now out of date. . . . |
 ISBN 0-902550-60-8. |
. A Natural History of Guernsey, Alderney, Sark & Herm. (1995), in collaboration with Dr. Jean Bonnard. 219 x 148mm. Perfect bound, pp. xviii + 160. 85 colour photos, 15 half-tone, 10 maps, 3 charts. A natural history of the Bailiwick of Guernsey, (Guernsey, Alderney, Sark, Herm and the off-islets). Photos by the Author. Out of print since April 2000. Photo; Book cover with Glanville Fritillary Butterfly. Very rare in UK, but common in Alderney. .. |
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- Alderney Sea-lavender, Limonium normannicum. A rare and endangered species named after the island. Photo by the author.
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. .Works Which may be available direct from the author on CD Rom . . |
The Wild Flowers of Alderney. (2012). A greatly revised, enlarged and updated version of the 1988 Flora of Alderney listed above. Additional chapters on the development of Alderney's flora; lists of Alderney Bryophytes and Lichens; Norman-French Patois names of plants; List of endangered species present; about 826 photographs and 652 distribution maps; Glossary; Bibliography and a comprehensive Index including many former names of plants, with which some botanists will be more familiar, as well as the present ones. Each of the circa 2,500 entries in the index, is linked to open the file containing the details of the plant concerned. Each CD is produced to order and is updated with any new records and better photos as they become available. Photos by the Author. Available on CD only; price £;30, plus p & p as above. Picture; Sand Crocus, Romulea columnae. One of Alderney's specials. . . |
An Illustrated Guide to the Wild and Naturalised Flowers of the Channel Islands. (2012). A 500 page MS converted to .htm format, listing virtually all the plants ever recorded in the islands and islets, in the sequence and with the nomenclature used by Stace, (1991), with descriptions and, in the majority of cases, the author's photographs of the existing flora. This is now available, with over 1,250 scanned photographs of the plants, each hyper-linked to the relevant text, with an extensive Bibliography and a comprehensive Index. Each of the c. 3,500 entries in the index is linked to open the file containing the details of the plant concerned. There is also a second set of full size (6" x4") scans on the disc in .jpg format, which will produce better quality prints from your graphics programme. Available on CD-Rom only, price as above. Photo; The Jersey Lily, Amaryllis belladonna, naturalised in the C.Is. . |
An exclusive offer for BSBI Members. Both the above books plus C.I. Plant Lore and 12, monthly Alderney Nature diaries, on a specially produced CD-Rom, (but without the additional set of higher quality scans) is available to members. Please quote your Membership number when ordering. Price £30 including p&p in UK and CI. Other destinations please add £5 p&p. Sterling c.w.o. please. . . . . |
A Very Wild Island. A 260+ page book about the ecology of the island, with about 390 illustrations, details of the new Ramsar site and lists of flora and fauna species found in and around the island. This can be read in the books section on this website in a form which cannot be saved or printed. Available otherwise only on CD-Rom as a © .pdf file which can be printed if required. Prices as above. |
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Note 1; Inserting any of these discs, into a PC loads your browser and opens a home page, with details about and direct access options to, each of the various works, by clicking the adjacent button. (Except for A Very Wild Island). The .pdf file of this can be opened directly by double clicking the file name on the CD. Note 2; The December diary is updated each January to give the previous year's monthly weather chart and the last 20-year's averages. This is also available to download from my home page; click the link at the bottom of this page.. |
Local History works |
.. Alderney in Old Photographs; (1991) ISBN 0-7509-0053-9. 219 x 155mm. Perfect bound, 160pp. with 257 half-tone illustrations from 1854-1989. Published by Alan Sutton at £7.95. Out of print from September 1993. Reprinted 2009. But now out of print again |
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. The Island of Dread in the Channel. (1991) ISBN 0-86299-941-3. 160 pp. The story of the WW II German occupation of Alderney, seen through the eyes of a young Russian slave worker, Georgi Kondakov, as told to the author in a series of letters over several years and the continued story on his return to Alderney in 1990 as a guest of the States of Alderney. An illustrated hardback volume with many contemporary photos, published by Alan Sutton at £14.99. Out of print from 1995. Reprinted in Paperback 2009, (see above). Available from several Alderney outlets as above. . . . |
. . Alderney in Old Photographs; a Second Selection. (1993) ISBN 0-7509-0368-6. Also 219 x 155mm. Perfect bound, 160pp. with 257 half-tone illustrations from 1854-1989. Also published by Alan Sutton, at £7.99. Out of print from March 2003 and not likely to be reprinted again. . . |
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. . . Alderney at War 1939-1949. (1993) ISBN 0-7509-0343-0. 198pp. Another illustrated hardback volume, with many local war-time photos, published at £14.99 by Alan Sutton. Out of print from 1996. Reprinted as a Paperback 2009. Out of print from March 2013 and not likely to be reprinted again. . . . |
. Wrecked around Alderney. (1993 reprinted 1996 & 1999) ISBN 0-9520707-0-7. A5 42pp. 44 half-tone illustrations and map. Stories of 57 wrecks 1866-1985 with photos of many. Published by the Author. Out of print June 2006; Photo; Cover with Alderney Lifeboat & RAF ASR Helicopter off Platte Saline. . . |
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. A History of Alderney, from earliest times to 1994. This is an unpublished c. 1,450 pp. manuscript history of the island, with over 400 linked illustrations. Some illustrations appear in the text, the remainder are accessed by hypertext links. The research for this book has taken the author more than30 years and a few small sections have still to be added or extended. There is a large Bibliography of Alderney references and a very comprehensive Index. Available on CD only, £30 including CI postage. Add £3 for UK postage, &£4 for EU, and £6 for all other destinations. |
Address for correspondence and orders; Brian Bonnard, The Twins, Le Petit Val, ALDERNEY, Channel Islands, GY9 3UU. |